Tutorial by Examples

1- First all, install https://www.meteor.com/install 2- Create a project. (--bare is to create an empty project) meteor create --bare MyAwesomeProject 3- Create the minimal file structure (-p to create intermediate directories): cd MyAwesomeProject mkdir -p client server imports/api imports/ui/...
If necessary, change to your project directory cd MyAwesomeProject 1- Add react and react-router meteor npm install --save [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 2- Edit client/main.html, and replace the content will be: <body> <div id="react-root"></div...
If necessary, change to your project directory cd MyAwesomeProject 1- Add accounts packages: meteor add accounts-base accounts-password react-meteor-data 2- Add the routes to login and signup pages in imports/startup/Routes.jsx The render() method will be as follows: render() { return ( ...
1- Add roles package ( https://github.com/alanning/meteor-roles) meteor add alanning:roles 2- Create some roles constants. In file imports/api/accounts/roles.js const ROLES = { ROLE1: 'ROLE1', ROLE2: 'ROLE2', ADMIN: 'ADMIN' }; export default ROLES; 3- I'll not show how to add/upda...

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