Tutorial by Examples: 3

In my Folder Pane example above, I only list three standard folders: “Inbox”, “Drafts” and “Deleted Items”. There are other standard folders and you can create as many folders of your own as you wish. Some people create folders under Inbox but I prefer to create new folders at the same level as Inb...
All images are from UK versions of Outlook. I know that some names are translated into the local language for other versions and I assume that most of the names for the tabs are translated. Probably the sequence of tabs is unchanged in non-English versions. Alternatively, you will need to look at yo...
The images in this section are all from Outlook 2016 but they could have come from Outlook 2003. Outlook VBA may have changed over the years but to my eyes the VBA Editor has not. Whichever version you have you will see something like: Above there is a “+” against "Project1". If you hav...
In this example we will use the Business layer in Presentation layer. And we will use MVC as example of Presentation layer (but you can use any other Presentation layer). We need first to register the IoC (we will use Unity, but you can use any IoC), then write our Presentation layer 3-1 Register ...
Here I am presenting how to create first basic program in Swift 3 language. First you need to have any basic programming language knowledge or not having then be ready to learn it from beginning. Requirements for developments: MAC OS - Version 10.11.6 or later for new Xcode 8.2 Xcode - Version ...
Every application needed to store User Session or User related details inside application in UserDefaults.So we made whole logic inside a Class for managing UserDefaults better way. Swift 3 import Foundation public struct Session { fileprivate static let defaults = UserDefaults.standard ...
Incorrect Code Sub DoSomething() GoSub DoThis DoThis: Debug.Print "Hi!" Return End Sub Why doesn't this work? Execution enters the DoSomething procedure, jumps to the DoThis label, prints "Hi!" to the debug output, returns to the instruction immediately afte...
Incorrect code Public Sub DoSomething() DoSomethingElse "42?" End Sub Private Sub DoSomethingElse(foo As Date) ' Debug.Print MonthName(Month(foo)) End Sub Why doesn't this work? VBA is trying really hard to convert the "42?" argument into a Date value. When it ...
Right Click your project and select Publish to AWS Lambda... The Upload to AWS Lambda screen will appear. Make sure the correct region is selected. Keep all of the defaults. Then only enter the Function Name: AWSLambdaFunctionAgeInYears and then click next. On the next page, sele...
In angular-cli.json you can change the app configuration. If you want to add ng2-bootstrap for example: npm install ng2-bootstrap --save or yarn add ng2-bootstrap In angular-cli.json just add the path of the bootstrap at node-modules. "scripts": [ "../node_modules/jqu...
Create your new project folder and open in windows-command prompt with the location of project folder. Type "dotnet new -t web" and hit. This is for creating new mvc template. Once complete. GO to the project location and see basic mvc project has been created. The...
It's a good idea to keep all icons and images in one or more folders. Right click on the project, and use F# Power Tools / New Folder to create a folder named Images. On disk, place your icon in the new Images folder. Back in Visual Studio, right click on Images, and use Add / Existing Item, then...
Given a normalized phone number like +178612345678 we will get a formatted number with the provided pattern. private String getFormattedNumber(String phoneNumber) { PhoneNumberUtil phoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance(); Phonemetadata.NumberFormat numberFormat = new P...
Go to Hardware -> Touch Pressure: To simulate a normal press, use Shift-Command-1 and a deep one, Shift-Command-2. If your MacBook has a Force Touch trackpad, you could use your trackpad force to simulate 3D / Force Touch.
When using d3.request() or one of the convenience constructors (d3.json, d3.csv, d3.tsv, d3.html and d3.xml) there are many sources for error. There may be problems with the issued request or its response due to network errors, or the parsing might fail if the content is not well-formed. Within the...
Each attribute is associated with a component count, type, normalized, offset, stride and VBO. The VBO is no passed explicitly as a parameter but is instead the buffer bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER at the time of the call. void prepareMeshForRender(Mesh mesh){ glBindVertexArray(mesh.vao); glBi...
4.3 OpenGL 4.3 (or ARB_separate_attrib_format) adds an alternative way of specifying the vertex data, which creates a separation between the format of the data bound for an attribute and the buffer object source that provides the data. So instead of having a VAO per mesh, you may have a VAO per ver...
Since Bootstrap 4 is a major rewrite, many of the Bootstrap 3.x class names have changed or been removed. The restructuring of components such as the Navbar, and the introduction of new CSS classes and Flexbox support means that upgrading to 4.x is not a simple conversion process from 3.x. However,...
create or replace directory DATAPUMP_REMOTE_DIR as '/oracle/scripts/expimp';
When creating a model for a table that has a composite primary key, additional work is required on the Object for the model Entity to respect those constraints. The following example SQL table and Entity demonstrates the structure to store a review left by a customer for an item in an online store....

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