Tutorial by Examples: ami

To query a field which name is contained in a variable, use the field function. some_field = :id some_value = 10 from p in Post, where: field(p, ^some_field) == ^some_value
You can also use flent-ffmpeg to convert .mp4 files to .flv files, or other types: res.contentType('flv'); var pathToMovie = './public/' + req.params.filename; var proc = ffmpeg(pathToMovie) .preset('flashvideo') .on('end', function () { console.log(...
If you have email column you can mask it with email() mask: ALTER TABLE Company ALTER COLUMN Email ADD MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = 'email()') When user tries to select emails from Company table, he will get something like the following values: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
using System; [assembly:CLSCompliant(true)] namespace CLSDoc { public class Car { //Warning CS3005 Identifier 'Car.CALCULATEAge()' differing only in case is not CLS-compliant public int CalculateAge() { return 0; } ...
If you're creating an image, decoding an image, or resizing an image to fit the large notification image area, you can get the correct pixel dimensions like so: Resources resources = context.getResources(); int width = resources.getDimensionPixelSize(android.R.dimen.notification_large_icon_width)...
WKWebView resizes the fonts on web content so that a full-sized web page will fit on the device's form factor. If you want the web text in both portrait and landscape to be similar in size to the user's preferred reading size, you need to set it explicitly. Swift // build HTML header for dynamic t...
Dim cars() Redim cars(0) 'Give it 1 entry Dim tmp tmp = "Ford" 'ubound(arrayvariable) is the count of array size. 'in this case, it would be 1, since there is 1 entry. cars(ubound(cars)) = tmp 'cars(0) Redim preserve cars(ubound(cars)+1)
All needed usage shown with this snippet: #!/usr/bin/env bash declare -A assoc_array=([key_string]=value \ [one]="something" \ [two]="another thing" ...
Dim mddArray() ReDim mddArray(0) Dim ti, testinc: testinc = "test": ti = 1 For i = 0 To 4 Dim tmpArray(): ReDim tmpArray(0) For j = 0 To 3 tmpArray(UBound(tmpArray)) = testinc & ti ti = ti + 1 ReDim Preserve tmpArray(UBound(tmpArray) + 1) Ne...
tkinter is a GUI toolkit that provides a wrapper around the Tk/Tcl GUI library and is included with Python. The following code creates a new window using tkinter and places some text in the window body. Note: In Python 2, the capitalization may be slightly different, see Remarks section below. ...
Dynamic Time Warping(DTW) is an algorithm for measuring similarity between two temporal sequences which may vary in speed. For instance, similarities in walking could be detected using DTW, even if one person was walking faster than the other, or if there were accelerations and decelerations during ...
When you create a new widget with a UI command you can supply the name you'd like the new widget to get. However, its not guaranteed: Maya will give the button the name you asked for -- if you've given it a character it doesn't recognize or if there is already a widget with the same name you may get...
ShortcutManager shortcutManager = getSystemService(ShortcutManager.class); ShortcutInfo shortcut = new ShortcutInfo.Builder(this, "id1") .setShortLabel("Web site") // Shortcut Icon tab .setLongLabel("Open the web site") // Displayed When Long Pressing On Ap...
Dynamically switch beetween multiple components using <component> element and pass data to v-bind:is attribute: Javascript: new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { currentPage: 'home' }, components: { home: { template: "<p>Home</p>" }, about...
Use dynamic_cast<>() as a function, which helps you to cast down through an inheritance hierarchy (main description). If you must do some non-polymorphic work on some derived classes B and C, but received the base class A, then write like this: class A { public: virtual ~A(){} }; class B...
%f is the fractional precision format specifier for the DATE_FORMAT() function. SELECT DATE_FORMAT(NOW(3), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s.%f') displays a value like 2016-11-19 09:52:53.248000 with fractional microseconds. Because we used NOW(3), the final three digits in the fraction are 0.
rename user 'user'@'%' to 'new_name`@'%'; If you create a user by mistake, you can change his name
Where we came from Sometimes we can't provide all of the required metadata needed for the XmlSerializer framework in attribute. Suppose we have a base class of serialized objects, and some of the derived classes are unknown to the base class. We can't place an attribute for all of the classes which...
Dynamic programming solves problems by combining the solutions to subproblems. It can be analogous to divide-and-conquer method, where problem is partitioned into disjoint subproblems, subproblems are recursively solved and then combined to find the solution of the original problem. In contrast, dyn...
Dynamic Time Warping(DTW) is an algorithm for measuring similarity between two temporal sequences which may vary in speed. For instance, similarities in walking could be detected using DTW, even if one person was walking faster than the other, or if there were accelerations and decelerations during ...

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