Tutorial by Examples: arguments

def hello_world(greeting: str = 'Hello'): print(greeting + ' world!') Note the spaces around the equal sign as opposed to how keyword arguments are usually styled.
If you have void F1(MyType1 x) { // do something } void F1(MyType2 x) { // do something else } and for some reason you need to call the first overload of F1 but with x = null, then doing simply F1(null); will not compile as the call is ambiguous. To counter this you can do F1...
When the command-line syntax for an application is simple, it is reasonable to do the command argument processing entirely in custom code. In this example, we will present a series of simple case studies. In each case, the code will produce error messages if the arguments are unacceptable, and the...
First of all, the problem of handling spaces in arguments is NOT actually a Java problem. Rather it is a problem that needs to be handled by the command shell that you are using when you run a Java program. As an example, let us suppose that we have the following simple program that prints the siz...
In many application it is necessary to compute the function of two or more arguments. Traditionally, we use for-loops. For example, if we need to calculate the f = exp(-x^2-y^2) (do not use this if you need fast simulations): % code1 x = -1.2:0.2:1.4; y = -2:0.25:3; for nx=1:lenght(x) for n...
Though Go supports ++ and -- operators and the behaviour is found to be almost similar to c/c++, variables with such operators cannot be passed as argument to function. package main import ( "fmt" ) func abcd(a int, b int) { fmt.Println(a," &...
SASS's optional arguments let you use a parameter only if you specify its value; otherwise, it will be ignored. Let's take an example of the following mixin: @mixin galerie-thumbnail ($img-height:14em, $img-width: null) { width: $img-width; height: $img-height; outline: 1px solid li...
type Dog = Dog String dogName1 dog = case dog of Dog name -> name dogName2 (Dog name) -> name dogName1 and dogName2 are equivalent. Note that this only works for ADTs that have a single constructor. type alias Pet = { name: String , weight: Float ...
Some programs need so store arguments for future calling of some function. This example shows how to call any function with arguments stored in std::tuple #include <iostream> #include <functional> #include <tuple> #include <iostream> // simple function to be called d...
Where command line arguments are supported they can be read in via the get_command_argument intrinsic (introduced in the Fortran 2003 standard). The command_argument_count intrinsic provides a way to know the number of arguments provided at the command line. All command-line arguments are read in ...
number1 = ARGV[0] number2 = ARGV[1] puts number1.to_i + number2.to_i ## run with: $ ruby a_plus_b.rb 1 2
Scala supports lazy evaluation for function arguments using notation: def func(arg: => String). Such function argument might take regular String object or a higher order function with String return type. In second case, function argument would be evaluated on value access. Please see the example...
In a basic implementation the task module must define a run/1 function that takes a list of arguments. E.g. def run(args) do ... end defmodule Mix.Tasks.Example_Task do use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Example_Task prints hello + its arguments" def run(args) do IO.puts "Hello ...
triples = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]] triples.each { |(first, second, third)| puts second } # 2 # 5 # 8 triples.map { |(first, *rest)| rest.join(' ') } # => ["2 3", "5 6", "8 9"]
Always use Named Arguments to optional parameters, to avoid potential bugs when the method is modified. class Employee { public string Name { get; private set; } public string Title { get; set; } public Employee(string name = "<No Name>", string title = "&lt...
One of the major use case when a developer needs to take mutability into account is when passing arguments to a function. This is very important, because this will determine the ability for the function to modify objects that doesn't belong to its scope, or in other words if the function has side ef...
int sum (int x, ...) { int result = x; va_list list = va_list (); for (int? y = list.arg<int?> (); y != null; y = list.arg<int?> ()) { result += y; } return result; } int a = sum (1, 2, 3, 36); With this function, you can pass as many int as you w...
#!/bin/bash deploy=false uglify=false while (( $# > 1 )); do case $1 in --deploy) deploy="$2";; --uglify) uglify="$2";; *) break; esac; shift 2 done $deploy && echo "will deploy... deploy = $deploy" $uglify && echo "will...
The extra arguments add results to predicates of a DCG clause, by decorating the derivation tree. For example, it's possible to create a algebraic grammar that computes the value at the end. Given a grammar that supports the operation addition: % Extra arguments are passed between parenthesis afte...
A common mistake is to forget surrounding compound function arguments with parentheses, leading to type errors. # string_of_int 1+1;; Error: This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type int This is because of the precedence. In fact, the above evaluates to # (string...

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