Tutorial by Examples: auto

After you have set a few data to database and have get a structure consisting of several nodes like this; "user" : { "-KdbKcU2ptfYF2xKb5aO" : { "firstName" : "Arthur", "lastName" : "Schopenhauer", "userName&q...
C++03 Declares a variable to have automatic storage duration. It is redundant, since automatic storage duration is already the default at block scope, and the auto specifier is not allowed at namespace scope. void f() { auto int x; // equivalent to: int x; auto y; // illegal in C++; ...
Spring boot is based on a lot of pre-made auto-configuration parent projects. You should already be familiar with spring boot starter projects. You can easily create your own starter project by doing the following easy steps: Create some @Configuration classes to define default beans. You should...
Test Automation is broad topic. DEV/QA should delve on this questions first: What is nature of product? (Web, Mobile, Cloud, IOT, Analytics) What is development stage? (Developed-Legacy, In Development) What is technology stack? (Java, C#, Python, Ruby, Node, React) Is it SOA/Micro-services ba...
Test automation framework can have several components depending on automation planned. Some of them(though not limited to) are: Test Runner (TestNG, JUnit, Jest, Protractor, Cucumber) Test Container (BDD Specs-Steps, Junit Tests, Spec based functions) Test Environment Configuration Test Data S...
Design Approaches Driving Factor: What should be our driving engine? Should it be test functions, keywords, data or behavior? Here we list different approaches with examples. Data Driven/Keyword Driven/Hybrid: Code Driven: BDD/TDD/ATDD:
HTML <div :class="classes"> <input v-model="compValue" type="text" class="form-control" @keydown.enter = 'enter' @keydown.down = 'down' @keydown.up = 'up' @input = "cha...
To use Autofac in your project, all you have to do is install Autofac from NuGet Package Manager. Open the solution that want to use Autofac in, then select Manager NuGet Packages for Solution... by going to: Tools -> NuGet Package Manager -> Manager NuGet Packages for Solution... In the N...
Example of how to calculate the output shape and overcome the difficulties of using tf.nn.conv2d_transpose with unknown batch size (when input.get_shape() is (?, H, W, C) or (?, C, H, W)). def upconvolution (input, output_channel_size, filter_size_h, filter_size_w, stride_h, str...
Dialog dlg; DialogGroup dGrp; DialogField dfCustomer; dlg = new Dialog("Simple Dialog"); dGrp = dlg.addGroup("A Group"); dfCustomer = dlg.addField(extendedTypeStr(CustAccount)); if (dlg.run()) { info(dfCustomer.value()); } Because CustAccount is linked to the ...
This example will show how get started with Inverion of Control using Autofac with a relatively simple project, closely following the official getting started docs. Create a console application from File -> New -> Project -> Console Application Install Autofac for this project. Yo...
If file exists with same name then it will update the file with new version. For register bean Class in service-context.xml file <bean id="autoVersionByNameBehaviour" class="test.demoamp.AutoVersionByNameBehaviour" init-method="init"> <property name=&qu...
Since Talend 6.3 , an option in tMap allows to automatically convert types. When activated, output pattern is used as the expected input pattern to automatically convert data. First, activate the option : Then modify output pattern, used as the input pattern :
It's possible to have your own custom code styles, share them with other team members and use a shortcut to auto format the code in a file. To create your own custom code style, go to: Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style There are some general code style settings here. You can also select ...
When a remote session is created via the New-PSsession cmdlet, the PSSession persists until the current PowerShell session ends. Meaning that, by default, the PSSession and all associated resources will continue to be used until the current PowerShell session ends. Multiple active PSSessions can b...
public class Foobar { public static void main(String[] args) { // example: Boolean ignore = null; if (ignore == false) { System.out.println("Do not ignore!"); } } } The pitfall here is that null is compared to false. Since w...
Jenkins: The leading open source automation server, Jenkins provides hundreds of plugins to support building, deploying and automating any project. Sonar Qube: SonarQube provides the capability to not only show health of an application but also to highlight issues newly introduced. Apache Ant: A...
By creating multiple properties files for the different environments or use cases, its sometimes hard to manually change the active.profile value to the right one. But there is a way to set the active.profile in the application.properties file while building the application by using maven-profiles. ...
A convenient way to package your application is to write the scripts in your packages.json file and run them with the npm run command { "name": "AppName", "productName": "AppName", "version": "0.1.1", "main": ...
gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {taskGraph -> if (taskGraph.hasTask(assembleDebug)) { /* when run debug task */ autoIncrementBuildNumber() } else if (taskGraph.hasTask(assembleRelease)) { /* when run release task */ autoIncrementBuildNumber() } }

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