Tutorial by Examples: batch

Batch execution using java.sql.PreparedStatement allows you to execute a single DML statement with multiple sets of values for its parameters. This example demonstrates how to prepare an insert statement and use it to insert multiple rows in a batch. Connection connection = ...; // obtained earl...
Batch execution using java.sql.Statement allows you to execute multiple DML statements (update, insert, delete) at once. This is achieved by creating a single statement object, adding the statements to execute, and then execute the batch as one. Connection connection = ...; // obtained earlier c...
(Collects a certain number of total items from 2-3 inputs and groups them into a Tuple of collections of data items) BatchedJoinBlock<T1, T2,…> is in a sense a combination of BatchBlock and JoinBlock<T1, T2,…>. Whereas JoinBlock<T1, T2,…> is used to aggregate one input from each ...
(Groups a certain number of sequential data items into collections of data items) BatchBlock combines N single items into one batch item, represented as an array of elements. An instance is created with a specific batch size, and the block then creates a batch as soon as it’s received that number o...
Any ASCII editor can edit batch files. A list of editors that can syntax highlight batch syntax can be found here. You can also use the default notepad shipped with windows to edit and view a batch file, although it does not offer syntax highlighting. To open notepad: Press Win 𐌎+R, type notepa...
xml_import_example.info.yml type: module name: XML import example package: Examples description: "This module helps understanding the Batch API and Queue API with an XML import example" core: 8.x xml_import_example.permissions.yml import content from xml: title: 'Import content...
You can animate complex changes to your collection view using the performBatchUpdates method. Inside the update block, you can specify several modifications to have them animate all at once. collecitonView.performBatchUpdates({ // Perform updates }, nil) Inside the update block, you can pe...
Batch file command line arguments are parameter values submitted when starting the batch. They should be enclosed in quotes if they contain spaces. In a running batch file, the arguments are used for various purposes, i.e. redirection to :labels, setting variables, or running commands. The argument...
When more than 9 arguments are supplied, the shift [/n] command can be used, where /n means start at the nth argument, n is between zero and eight. Looping through arguments: :args set /a "i+=1" set arg!i!=%~1 call echo arg!i! = %%arg!i!%% shift goto :args Note, in the above exam...
echo off cls sqlcmd.exe -S "your server name" -U "sql user name" -P "sql password" -d "name of databse" -Q "here you may write your query/stored procedure" Batch files like these can be used to automate tasks, for example to make backups of ...
Assume your data examples are already read to a python's variable and you would like to read it n times, in batches of given size: import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf data = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) n = 4 To merge data in batches, possibly with random shuffling, you can use tf.train.b...
Import libraries (language dependency: python 2.7) import tensorflow as tf import numpy as np from sklearn.datasets import fetch_mldata from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split load data, prepare data mnist = fetch_mldata('MNIST original', data_home='./') print "MNIST data,...
BatchBashDescriptioncommand /?man commandShows the help for commandbitsadminwget or curlDownloads a remote filecertutil -hashfile file_name MD5md5sum file_nameGets the MD5 checksum of file_namecdpwdDisplays the current directorycd directorycd directoryChanges the current directory to the specified o...
BatchBashDescription%variable%$variableA regular variable!variable!$variableA variable inside of a code block when setlocal enabledelayedexpansion is on%errorlevel% or ERRORLEVEL$?Returns the status of the previous command: 0 if successful, 1 (or something else) if not%1, %2, %3, etc.$1, $2, $3, etc...
private static void saveItem(List<EventTracker> items) { List<WriteRequest> wrList = new ArrayList<>(); try { for (EventTracker item : items) { WriteRequest wreqItem; wreqItem = getWriteRequest(item); wrList.add(wreqItem);...
JdbcTemplate also provides convenient methods to execute batch operations. Batch Insert final ArrayList<Student> list = // Get list of students to insert.. String sql = "insert into student (id, f_name, l_name, age, address) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sql, n...
There may be multiple reason why you want to create a text file in batch. But whatever the reason may be, this is how you do it. If you want to overwrite an existing text file use >. Example: @echo off echo info to save > text.txt But if you want to append text to an already existing t...
You may want to copy files from one place to another. In this example we'll teach you. You can use the command xcopy. The syntax is xcopy c:\From C:\To Example: @echo off xcopy C:\Folder\text.txt C:\User\Username\Desktop There are also switches you can use. If you want to view them open up co...
To use multi-threading in MATLAB one can use the batch command. Note that you must have the Parallel Computing toolbox installed. For a time-consuming script, for example, for ii=1:1e8 A(ii)=sin(ii*2*pi/1e8); end to run it in batch mode one would use the following: job=batch("da&quot...
Example of how to calculate the output shape and overcome the difficulties of using tf.nn.conv2d_transpose with unknown batch size (when input.get_shape() is (?, H, W, C) or (?, C, H, W)). def upconvolution (input, output_channel_size, filter_size_h, filter_size_w, stride_h, str...

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