(Groups a certain number of sequential data items into collections of data items)
BatchBlock combines N single items into one batch item, represented as an array of elements. An instance is created with a specific batch size, and the block then creates a batch as soon as it’s received that number of elements, asynchronously outputting the batch to the output buffer.
BatchBlock is capable of executing in both greedy and non-greedy modes.
Batching Requests into groups of 100 to Submit to a Database
var batchRequests = new BatchBlock<Request>(batchSize:100);
var sendToDb = new ActionBlock<Request[]>(reqs => SubmitToDatabase(reqs));
Creating a batch once a second
var batch = new BatchBlock<T>(batchSize:Int32.MaxValue);
new Timer(() => { batch.TriggerBatch(); }).Change(1000, 1000);
Introduction to TPL Dataflow by Stephen Toub