Tutorial by Examples: bi

// assigning a signed short to its minimum value short s = -32768; // assigning a signed short to its maximum value short s = 32767; // assigning a signed int to its minimum value int i = -2147483648; // assigning a signed int to its maximum value int i = 2147483647; // assigning a s...
// assigning an unsigned short to its minimum value ushort s = 0; // assigning an unsigned short to its maximum value ushort s = 65535; // assigning an unsigned int to its minimum value uint i = 0; // assigning an unsigned int to its maximum value uint i = 4294967295; // assigning an...
Subscription returns an IDisposable: IDisposable subscription = emails.Subscribe(email => Console.WriteLine("Email from {0} to {1}", email.From, email.To)); When you are ready to unsubscribe, simply dispose the subscription: subscription.Dispose();
emails.Subscribe(email => Console.WriteLine("Email from {0} to {1}", email.From, email.To), cancellationToken);
Gradle (Module:app) Configuration android { .... dataBinding { enabled = true } } Data model public class Item { public String name; public String description; public Item(String name, String description) { this.name = name; this.descr...
If your model has private methods, the databinding library still allows you to access them in your view without using the full name of the method. Data model public class Item { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } } Layout XML <?xml versi...
Visible to the class, package, and subclass. Let's see an example with the class Test. public class Test{ public int number = 2; public Test(){ } } Now let's try to create an instance of the class. In this example, we can access number because it is public. public class Ot...
private visibility allows a variable to only be accessed by its class. They are often used in conjunction with public getters and setters. class SomeClass { private int variable; public int getVariable() { return variable; } public void setVariable(int variable) { ...
With no modifier, the default is package visibility. From the Java Documentation, "[package visibility] indicates whether classes in the same package as the class (regardless of their parentage) have access to the member." In this example from javax.swing, package javax.swing; public abs...
Protected visibility causes means that this member is visible to its package, along with any of its subclasses. As an example: package com.stackexchange.docs; public class MyClass{ protected int variable; //This is the variable that we are trying to access public MyClass(){ var...
Arbitrary number of positional arguments: Defining a function capable of taking an arbitrary number of arguments can be done by prefixing one of the arguments with a * def func(*args): # args will be a tuple containing all values that are passed in for i in args: print(i) fun...
Sorted sequences allow the use of faster searching algorithms: bisect.bisect_left()1: import bisect def index_sorted(sorted_seq, value): """Locate the leftmost value exactly equal to x or raise a ValueError""" i = bisect.bisect_left(sorted_seq, value) ...
5.1 When you take a reference to a method (a property which is a function) in JavaScript, it usually doesn't remember the object it was originally attached to. If the method needs to refer to that object as this it won't be able to, and calling it will probably cause a crash. You can use the .bind...
The second step to creating a subscription for a user is to create and execute a billing agreement, based on an existing activated billing plan. This example assumes that you have already gone through and activated a billing plan in the previous example, and have an ID for that billing plan to refer...
When creating a subscription for a user, you first need to create and activate a billing plan that a user is then subscribed to using a billing agreement. The full process for creating a subscription is detailed in the remarks of this topic. Within this example, we're going to be using the PayPal N...
Optionals must be unwrapped before they can be used in most expressions. if let is an optional binding, which succeeds if the optional value was not nil: let num: Int? = 10 // or: let num: Int? = nil if let unwrappedNum = num { // num has type Int?; unwrappedNum has type Int print(&quo...
Overloading the bitwise NOT (~) is fairly simple. Scroll down for explanation Overloading outside of class/struct: T operator~(T lhs) { //Do operation return lhs; } Overloading inside of class/struct: T operator~() { T t(*this); //Do operation return t; } Note...
The operators << and >> are commonly used as "write" and "read" operators: std::ostream overloads << to write variables to the underlying stream (example: std::cout) std::istream overloads >> to read from the underlying stream to a variable (example: s...
Note that all bitwise operations operate on 32-bit integers by passing any operands to the internal function ToInt32. Bitwise or var a; a = 0b0011 | 0b1010; // a === 0b1011 // truth table // 1010 | (or) // 0011 // 1011 (result) Bitwise and a = 0b0011 & 0b1010; // a === 0b0010 // t...
Overview SelectorDescriptiondiv spanDescendant selector (all <span>s that are descendants of a <div>)div > spanChild selector (all <span>s that are a direct child of a <div>)a ~ spanGeneral Sibling selector (all <span>s that are siblings after an <a>)a + spanA...

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