Tutorial by Examples: ble

DELETE FROM table_name ; This will delete everything, all rows from the table. It is the most basic example of the syntax. It also shows that DELETE statements should really be used with extra care as they may empty a table, if the WHERE clause is omitted.
There are few approaches available there: You can subscribe for keyboard appearance events notifications and change offset manually: //Swift 2.0+ override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(YourVCClas...
You may want to create a duplicate of a table: CREATE TABLE ClonedEmployees AS SELECT * FROM Employees; You can use any of the other features of a SELECT statement to modify the data before passing it to the new table. The columns of the new table are automatically created according to the selec...
<p contenteditable>This is an editable paragraph.</p> Upon clicking on the paragraph, the content of it can be edited similar to an input text field. When the contenteditable attribute is not set on an element, the element will inherit it from its parent. So all child text of a conte...
In this example we have an existing table, SuperHeros. This table contains a primary key ID. We will add a new table in order to store the powers of each super hero: CREATE TABLE HeroPowers ( ID int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Name nvarchar(MAX) NOT NULL, HeroId int REFERENCES SuperHero...
Function DisableShift() 'This function disable the shift at startup. This action causes 'the Autoexec macro and Startup properties to always be executed. On Error GoTo errDisableShift Dim db As DAO.Database Dim prop As DAO.Property Const conPropNotFound = 3270 Set db = C...
Function EnableShift() 'This function enables the SHIFT key at startup. This action causes 'the Autoexec macro and the Startup properties to be bypassed 'if the user holds down the SHIFT key when the user opens the database. On Error GoTo errEnableShift Dim db As DAO.Database Dim p...
In its most basic form, an object that implements IEnumerable represents a series of objects. The objects in question can be iterated using the c# foreach keyword. In the example below, the object sequenceOfNumbers implements IEnumerable. It represents a series of integers. The foreach loop iterate...
Start with an iterable which needs to be grouped lst = [("a", 5, 6), ("b", 2, 4), ("a", 2, 5), ("c", 2, 6)] Generate the grouped generator, grouping by the second element in each tuple: def testGroupBy(lst): groups = itertools.groupby(lst, key=lambda...
HTML <p>My shadow always follows me.</p> CSS p { -webkit-filter: drop-shadow(10px 10px 1px green); filter: drop-shadow(10px 10px 1px green); } Result
hash( (1, 2) ) # ok hash( ([], {"hello"}) # not ok, since lists and sets are not hashabe Thus a tuple can be put inside a set or as a key in a dict only if each of its elements can. { (1, 2) } # ok { ([], {"hello"}) ) # not ok
Command: adb devices Result example: List of devices attached emulator-5554 device PhoneRT45Fr54 offline 123.454.67.45 no device First column - device serial number Second column - connection status Android documentation
To duplicate a table, simply do the following: CREATE TABLE newtable LIKE oldtable; INSERT newtable SELECT * FROM oldtable;
Add days into a dateTime object. DateTime today = DateTime.Now; DateTime answer = today.AddDays(36); Console.WriteLine("Today: {0:dddd}", today); Console.WriteLine("36 days from today: {0:dddd}", answer); You also can subtract days passing a negative value: DateTime today...
double[] hours = {.08333, .16667, .25, .33333, .5, .66667, 1, 2, 29, 30, 31, 90, 365}; DateTime dateValue = new DateTime(2009, 3, 1, 12, 0, 0); foreach (double hour in hours) Console.WriteLine("{0} + {1} hour(s) = {2}", dateValue, hour, ...
string dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.fffffff"; DateTime date1 = new DateTime(2010, 9, 8, 16, 0, 0); Console.WriteLine("Original date: {0} ({1:N0} ticks)\n", date1.ToString(dateFormat), date1.Ticks); DateTime date2 = date1.AddMilliseconds(1); Console....
One (or two) of the coolest new features in recent Xcode releases are the IBInspectable properties and IBDesignable UIViews. These have nothing to do with the functionality of your application but instead impact the developer experience in Xcode. The goal is to be able to visually inspect custom v...
SELECT e.Fname, e.LName FROM Employees e The Employees table is given the alias 'e' directly after the table name. This helps remove ambiguity in scenarios where multiple tables have the same field name and you need to be specific as to which table you want to return data from. SELECT e.Fname,...
Below you could find the table Employees with a reference to the table Cities. CREATE TABLE Cities( CityID INT IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, Name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, Zip VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE Employees( EmployeeID INT IDENTITY (1,1) NOT NULL, FirstName VARCHA...
A VectorDrawable should consist of at least one <path> tag defining a shape <vector xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:width="24dp" android:height="24dp" android:viewportWidth="24.0" android:viewpor...

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