Tutorial by Examples: boot

Add the following target in your build.xml <!-- Bootstrap ivy --> <target name="ivy.bootstrap" description="Download Apache Ivy"> <!-- Define the version to use --> <property name="ivy.version">2.4.0</property> <!-- ...
docker run --restart=always -d <container> By default, Docker will not restart containers when the Docker daemon restarts, for example after a host system reboot. Docker provides a restart policy for your containers by supplying the --restart command line option. Supplying --restart=always ...
Now that the routes are defined, we need to let our application know about the routes. To do this, bootstrap the provider we exported in the previous example. Find your bootstrap configuration (should be in main.ts, but your mileage may vary). //main.ts import {bootstrap} from '@angular/platfo...
This example assumes you have already installed Java and Gradle. Use the following project structure: src/ main/ java/ com/ example/ Application.java build.gradle build.gradle is your build script for Gradle build system with the following content: buildscri...
Note: you need to install Boot before trying this example out. See the Installation and Setup section if you haven't installed it yet. Boot allows making executable Clojure files using shebang (#!) line. Place the following text into a file of your choice (this example assumes it's in the "cur...
You can reboot your device by executing the following command: adb reboot Perform this command to reboot into bootloader: adb reboot bootloader Reboot to recovery mode: adb reboot recovery Be aware that the device won't shutdown first!
public class UnsafeLoader { public static Unsafe loadUnsafe() { return Unsafe.getUnsafe(); } } While this example will compile, it is likely to fail at runtime unless the Unsafe class was loaded with the primary classloader. To ensure that happens the JVM should be loaded with...
A commonly used CSS/Javascript library is Bootstrap. To install it into your Aurelia CLI driven application first you need to install it using Npm. npm install bootstrap --save Because Bootstrap has a hard dependency on jQuery, we need to make sure we also have jQuery installed: npm install jqu...
We have a sample Spring boot application which stores user data in MongoDB and we are using Rest services to retrieve data First there is a domain class i.e. POJO @Document public class User{ @Id private String id; private String name; } A corresponding repository based on ...
File main.ts (or boot.ts) Consider the examples above: Create the guard (where the Guard is created) and Add guard to route configuration, (where the Guard is configured for route, then APP_ROUTER_PROVIDERS is exported), we can couple the bootstrap to Guard as follows import { bootstrap }...
boot -d seancorfield/boot-new new -t app -n <appname> This command will tell boot to grab the task boot-new from https://github.com/seancorfield/boot-new and execute the task with the app template (see link for other templates). The task will create a new directory called <appname> wi...
In addition to the concept of column units, Bootstrap has different breakpoints or grid sizes known as tiers. The Bootstrap 3 grid has four (4) tiers to accomodate different screen (or viewport) widths. The Bootstrap 3 tiers are xs, sm, md, and lg. Bootstrap’s grid columns are identified by differen...
Bootstrap's grid system has 12 units known as Columns that can be used to layout content horizontally across the viewport. The reason for a 12-unit grid (instead of 10, 16, etc..) is that 12 evenly divides into 6 (halves), 4 (quarters) and 3 (thirds). This makes adapting to a variety of layouts muc...
Example below shows how to create a BroadcastReceiver which is able to receive BOOT_COMPLETED events. This way, you are able to start a Service or start an Activity as soon device was powered up. Also, you can use BOOT_COMPLETED events to restore your alarms since they are destroyed when device is ...
One approach that is employed often is to use bootstrap's gridded framework in order to define the area that the chart will exist in. Using this in conjunction with clientWidth variable and the window.onresize event, it is very easy to create responsive d3 SVGs. Let's first create a row and a colum...
To bootstrap a new Erlang project, simply choose the template you want to use from the list. The available templates can be retrieved by the following command: $ rebar3 new app (built-in): Complete OTP Application structure cmake (built-in): Standalone Makefile for building C/C++ in c_src escr...
Jersey is one of the many frameworks available to create Rest Services, This example will show you how to create Rest Services using Jersey and Spring Boot 1.Project Setup You can create a new project using STS or by using the Spring Initializr page. While creating a project, include the followi...
Suppose you want to prevent unauthorized users to access the page then you have to put barrier to them by authorizing access. We can do this by using spring-security which provides basic authentication by securing all HTTP end points. For that you need to add spring-security dependency to your proje...
This is relevant for apps that implement a BootListener. Test your app by killing your app and then test with: adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED -c android.intent.category.HOME -n your.app/your.app.BootListener (replace your.package/your.app.BootListener with proper ...
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic'; import { MyModule } from './app.module'; platformBrowserDynamic().bootstrapModule( MyModule ); In this example, MyModule is the module containing your root component. By bootstrapping MyModule your Angul...

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