Tutorial by Examples: certificat

In order to obtain a Google Maps API key for your certificate, you must provide the API console with the SH1-fingerprint of your debug/release keystore. You can obtain the keystore by using the JDK's keytool program as described here in the docs. Another approach is to obtain the fingerprint progr...
When signing personal scripts or when testing code signing it can be useful to create a self-signed code signing certificate. 5.0 Beginning with PowerShell 5.0 you can generate a self-signed code signing certificate by using the New-SelfSignedCertificate-cmdlet: New-SelfSignedCertificate -Friendl...
Save aps.cer to a folder Open "Keychain access" and export the key that is under that certificate to a .p12 file (call it key.p12). To do that right click on it and choose Export. Save it to the same folder as step 1. On export you will be prompted for a password. Make something u...
CREATE CERTIFICATE My_New_Cert FROM FILE = 'D:\Temp\CertTest\certificateDER.cer' GO Create the certificate SELECT EncryptByCert(Cert_ID('My_New_Cert'), 'This text will get encrypted') encryption_test Usually, you would encrypt with a symmetric key, that key would get encrypted by the asym...
To run macros and maintain the security Office applications provide against malicious code, it is necessary to digitally sign the VBAProject.OTM from the VBA editor > Tools > Digital Signature. Office comes with a utility to create a self-signed digital certificate that you can employ on th...
Generate a RSA private key: openssl genrsa -des3 -out server.key 4096 Openssl should ask for a pass phrase at this step. Notice that we’ll use only certificate for communication and authentication, without pass phrase. Just use 123456 for example. Generate the Certificate Signing Request: openssl ...
To run the private registry (securely) you have to generate a self-signed certificate, you can refer to previous example to generate it. For my example I put server.key and server.crt into /root/certs Before run docker command you should be placed (use cd) into the directory that contains certs fo...

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