Tutorial by Examples: change

var dict = ["name": "John", "surname": "Doe"] // Set the element with key: 'name' to 'Jane' dict["name"] = "Jane" print(dict)
The simple answer is that you cannot do this. Once an array has been created, its size cannot be changed. Instead, an array can only be "resized" by creating a new array with the appropriate size and copying the elements from the existing array to the new one. String[] listOfCities = ne...
The below examples use the new form API introduced in RC3. pw-change.template.html <form class="container" [formGroup]="pwChangeForm"> <label for="current">Current Password</label> <input id="current" formControlName="curr...
INotifyPropertyChanged is an interface used by binding sources (i.e. the DataContext) to let the user interface or other components know that a property has been changed. WPF automatically updates the UI for you when it sees the PropertyChanged event raised. It is desirable to have this interface im...
In a non-strict-mode scope, when a variable is assigned without being initialized with the var, const or the let keyword, it is automatically declared in the global scope: a = 12; console.log(a); // 12 In strict mode however, any access to an undeclared variable will throw a reference error: &...
Sometimes repos will have commits that only adjust whitespace, for example fixing indentation or switching between tabs and spaces. This makes it difficult to find the commit where the code was actually written. git blame -w will ignore whitespace-only changes to find where the line really came fr...
//Swift imageView.tintColor = UIColor.redColor() imageView.image = imageView.image?.imageWithRenderingMode(.AlwaysTemplate) //Swift 3 imageView.tintColor = UIColor.red imageView.image = imageView.image?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate) //Objective-C imageView.tintColor = [UIColor redCol...
For example, if t1 is currently not an InnoDB table, this statement changes its storage engine to InnoDB: ALTER TABLE t1 ENGINE = InnoDB; If the table is already InnoDB, this will rebuild the table and its indexes and have an effect similar to OPTIMIZE TABLE. You may gain some disk space improv...
To change MySQL's root user password: Step 1: Stop the MySQL server. in Ubuntu or Debian: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop in CentOS, Fedora or Red Hat Enterprise Linux: sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld stop Step 2: Start the MySQL server without the privilege system. sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tab...
The equivalent to git pull is the command git svn rebase This retrieves all the changes from the SVN repository and applies them on top of your local commits in your current branch. You can also use the command git svn fetch to retrieve the changes from the SVN repository and bring them to ...
The command git svn dcommit will create a SVN revision for each of your local git commits. As with SVN, your local git history must be in sync with the latest changes in the SVN repository, so if the command fails, try performing a git svn rebase first.
Undo changes to a file or directory in the working copy. git checkout -- file.txt Used over all file paths, recursively from the current directory, it will undo all changes in the working copy. git checkout -- . To only undo parts of the changes use --patch. You will be asked, for each chang...
git diff branch1..branch2
article.twig.html <article> <h1>{{ article.title }}</h1> {% block content %} <p>{{ article.content }}</p> {% endblock %} </article> articles.twig.html {# use default template for article #} {% for article in articles %} {% include &...
Fired when one or more of the component or directive properties have been changed. import { Component, OnChanges, Input } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'so-onchanges-component', templateUrl: 'onchanges-component.html', styleUrls: ['onchanges-component.'] }) class ...
The implementation of INotifyPropertyChange can be error-prone, as the interface requires specifying property name as a string. In order to make the implementation more robust, an attribute CallerMemberName can be used. class C : INotifyPropertyChanged { // backing field int offset; ...
mysqladmin -u root -p'old-password' password 'new-password'
There are use cases when you might want to rename your app directory to something else. In Laravel4 you could just change a config entry, here's one way to do it in Laravel5. In this example we'll be renaming the app directory to src. Override Application class The directories name app is hardcod...
The slider provides an event called change that will trigger after the mouse completes a slider handle drag or if the value(s) have been changed programmatically. This function holds a reference to the slide event and a reference to the slider ui object. The ui object holds a jQuery object for the ...
if we want to change the Controllers directory we need: Move and/or rename the default Controllers directory where we want it. For example from app/Http/Controllers to app/Controllers Update all the namespaces of the files inside the Controllers folder, making they adhere to the new path, re...

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