Tutorial by Examples: comment

There are several ways to mark a comment block as a detailed description, so that this comment block is parsed by Doxygen and added as a description of the following code item to the documentation. The first and most common one are C style comments with an extra asterisk in the comment start sequenc...
/* In all versions of Progress ABL you can write multi line comments */ /* They can also span a single line */ //Starting with version 11.6 you can also write single line comments //Can you nest single line comments? //Yes you can string = "HELLO". //A single line comme...
SASS supports two types of comments: Inline comments - These only span one line and are usually used to describe a variable or block. The syntax is as follows: // Your comment here (you prepend it with a double slash (//) and the rest of the line is ignored by the parser. Multiline comment...
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"> <title>JSP Comments</title> </head> <body> <%-- JSP comments --%> -- Ignored by container, you can't see this comment in source code...
A single line comment starts with two hyphens (--) and extends up to the end of the line. Example : -- This process models the state register process(clock, aresetn) begin if aresetn = '0' then -- Active low, asynchronous reset state <= IDLE; elsif rising_edge(clock) then --...
Starting with VHDL 2008, a comment can also extend on several lines. Multi-lines comments start with /* and end with */. Example : /* This process models the state register. It has an active low, asynchronous reset and is synchronized on the rising edge of the clock. */ process(clock, ...
Starting a new comment (single line or delimited) inside a comment (single line or delimited) has no effect and is ignored. Examples: -- This is a single-line comment. This second -- has no special meaning. -- This is a single-line comment. This /* has no special meaning. /* This is not a si...
To comment or uncomment code select the lines and use Ctrl + Shift + C or Ctrl + Shift + /
You can include HTML comments in JSPs as well. You use the basic html comment syntax: <!--Comment goes here--> The difference between using JSP style comments and HTML style comments is the JSP ones will not be included when the HTML is generated and the HTML style comments will be. So it ...
<# .SYNOPSIS Gets the content of an INI file. .DESCRIPTION Gets the content of an INI file and returns it as a hashtable. .INPUTS System.String .OUTPUTS System.Collections.Hashtable .PARAMETER FilePath Specifies the path to the input INI file. .EXAMPLE ...
<# .SYNOPSIS Reads a CSV file and filters it. .DESCRIPTION The ReadUsersCsv.ps1 script reads a CSV file and filters it on the 'UserName' column. .PARAMETER Path Specifies the path of the CSV input file. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to ReadUsersCsv.ps1. ...
It is a good practice to add comments that describe the code. It is helpful for others and even for the coder when returned later. A single line can be commented using the % symbol or using the shortkey Ctrl+R. To uncomment a previously commented line remove the % symbol or use shortkey Crtl+T. W...
If you want to comment part of your code, then comment blocks may be useful. Comment block starts with a %{ in a new line and ends with %} in another new line: a = 10; b = 3; %{ c = a*b; d = a-b; %} This allows you fo fold the sections that you commented to make the code more clean and comp...
A comment starts with a forward slash followed immediately by an asterisk (/*), and ends as soon as an asterisk immediately followed by a forward slash (*/) is encountered. Everything in between these character combinations is a comment and is treated as a blank (basically ignored) by the compiler. ...
C99 C99 introduced the use of C++-style single-line comments. This type of comment starts with two forward slashes and runs to the end of a line: // this is a comment This type of comment does not allow multi-line comments, though it is possible to make a comment block by adding several single ...
You can add comment and status to order. Get order : $orderid = 12345; $order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($orderid); And add comment: //$isNotify means you want to notify customer or not. $order->addStatusToHistory($status, $message, $isNotify); $order->save()
Large chunks of code can also be "commented out" using the preprocessor directives #if 0 and #endif. This is useful when the code contains multi-line comments that otherwise would not nest. #if 0 /* Starts the "comment", anything from here on is removed by preprocessor */ /*...
Unfortunately, DOSKEY macro doesn't support comment, but there's a workaround. ;= Comment ;= Comment ;= Remember to end your comment with ;= ;=
<!-- : Comment This works with both batch script and WSF. The closing tag(-->), only works in WSF. CodeSucessful in both batch and WSF?<!--: CommentTrue<!--: Comment -->False - The closing tag only works for WSF-->False

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