Tutorial by Examples: configure

When ASP.NET handles a request, a thread is assigned from the thread pool and a request context is created. The request context contains information about the current request which can be accessed through the static HttpContext.Current property. The request context for the request is then assigned t...
Travis CI has CMake 2.8.7 pre-installed. A minimal .travis.yml script for an out-of source build language: cpp compiler: - gcc before_script: # create a build folder for the out-of-source build - mkdir build # switch to build directory - cd build # run cmake; here we assume...
The CMake version preinstalled on Travis is very old. You can use the official Linux binaries to build with a newer version. Here is an example .travis.yml: language: cpp compiler: - gcc # the install step will take care of deploying a newer cmake version install: # first we creat...
Installation npm install -D webpack typescript ts-loader webpack.config.js module.exports = { entry: { app: ['./src/'], }, output: { path: __dirname, filename: './dist/[name].js', }, resolve: { extensions: ['', '.js', '.ts'], }, module: { loaders: [...
android { ... defaultConfig {...} buildTypes {...} productFlavors { demo { applicationId "com.example.myapp.demo" versionName "1.0-demo" } full { applicationId "com.example.myapp.full"...
You can create and configure build types in the module-level build.gradle file inside the android {} block. android { ... defaultConfig {...} buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true proguardFiles getDefaultProguar...
Managing AWS resources that scale up and down runs into the limits of the static inventory host file, that's why we need something dynamic. And that's what the dynamic inventories are for. Let's start: Download these ec2.ini and ec2.py files to the your project folder: cd my_ansible_project wget...
Go in the Firebase console. Choose your project Click on the Database section on the left, and then select the Rules tab. If you would like to test your security rules before putting them into production, you can simulate operations in the console using the Simulate button in the upper right ...
If profiling your build shows significant time spend in Configuring Projects, the Configure on Demand option might improve your performance. You can enable Configure on Demand mode by editing $GRADLE_USER_HOME/.gradle/gradle.properties (~/.gradle/gradle.properties by default), and setting org.gradl...
The following are the steps to start an Eclipse remote debugger. This is useful when the application is not started from a server instance within Eclipse. This feature is really powerful and can also help debugging code which resides in the test or production environment. Let's have a look at the se...
You can configure lint by adding a lintOptions section in the build.gradle file: android { //..... lintOptions { // turn off checking the given issue id's disable 'TypographyFractions','TypographyQuotes' // turn on the given issue id's enable 'Rtl...
You can specify your Lint checking preferences in the lint.xml file. If you are creating this file manually, place it in the root directory of your Android project. If you are configuring Lint preferences in Android Studio, the lint.xml file is automatically created and added to your Android project...
Meteor reads a mobile-config.js file in the root of your app directory during build, and uses the settings specified there to generate Cordova’s config.xml. Project_folder ├── /.meteor └── mobile-config.js Most configurations can be achieved with mobile-config.js (app metadata, preferences, ...
You could use ethtool, but they are not going to be reboot persistent. If you want to achieve this, edit the following file: sudo vim /etc/network/interfaces And edit the file with needed informations: auto <interface_name> iface <interface_name> inet static address <ip_addres...
Here we will be checking out the latest copy of our project's code, run the tests and will make the application live.To achieve that, follow below steps: Open Jenkins in browser. Click the New Job link. Enter project name and select the Build a free-style software project link. Click on Ok but...
You can define the signing configuration to sign the apk in the build.gradle file. You can define: storeFile : the keystore file storePassword: the keystore password keyAlias: a key alias name keyPassword: A key alias password You have to define the signingConfigs block to create a signin...
To do this first locate config folder in your root. Then open connections.js Locate // someMysqlServer: { // adapter: 'sails-mysql', // host: 'YOUR_MYSQL_SERVER_HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS', // user: 'YOUR_MYSQL_USER', //optional // password: 'YOUR_MYSQL_PASSWORD', //optional /...
This example has two parts - some boilerplate steps for adding Castle Windsor to your WCF service, and then a simple, concrete example to show how we configure and use Windsor's container. That makes the example a little bit long. If you already understand using a DI container then you likely only ...
Eclipse would provide its own embedded Maven enviroment out-of-the-box, which is not recommended whenever a certain Maven version must be used or further configuration must be performed (proxy, mirrors and so on): that is, to have full control over which Maven environment would be used by the IDE. ...
Configuring a private registry to use an AWS S3 backend is easy. The registry can do this automatically with the right configuration. Here is an example of what should be in your config.yml file: storage: s3: accesskey: AKAAAAAACCCCCCCBBBDA secretkey: rn9rjnNuX44iK+26qpM4cDEo...

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