Tutorial by Examples: contain

var numbers = new[] {1,2,3,4,5}; Console.WriteLine(numbers.Contains(3)); //True Console.WriteLine(numbers.Contains(34)); //False
OptionalDouble, OptionalInt and OptionalLong work like Optional, but are specifically designed to wrap primitive types: OptionalInt presentInt = OptionalInt.of(value); OptionalInt absentInt = OptionalInt.empty(); Because numeric types do have a value, there is no special handling for null. Empt...
var re = /[a-z]+/; if (re.test("foo")) { console.log("Match exists."); } The test method performs a search to see if a regular expression matches a string. The regular expression [a-z]+ will search for one or more lowercase letters. Since the pattern matches the string,...
It is possible to emulate container types, which support accessing values by key or index. Consider this naive implementation of a sparse list, which stores only its non-zero elements to conserve memory. class sparselist(object): def __init__(self, size): self.size = size se...
git reset <filePath>
To allow the use of in for custom classes the class must either provide the magic method __contains__ or, failing that, an __iter__-method. Suppose you have a class containing a list of lists: class ListList: def __init__(self, value): self.value = value # Create a set of al...
var favoriteColors: Set = ["Red", "Blue", "Green"] //favoriteColors = {"Blue", "Green", "Red"} You can use the contains(_:) method to check whether a set contains a value. It will return true if the set contains that value. if favorite...
Whilst extracting dependencies out of your code so that they can be injected makes your code easier to test, it pushes the problem further up the hierarchy and can also result in objects that are difficult to construct. Various dependency injection frameworks / Inversion of Control Containers have ...
This example uses the Car Table from the Example Databases. SELECT * FROM Cars WHERE TotalCost IN (100, 200, 300) This query will return Car #2 which costs 200 and Car #3 which costs 100. Note that this is equivalent to using multiple clauses with OR, e.g.: SELECT * FROM Cars WHERE TotalCos...
This example shows the usage of the ILGenerator by generating code that makes use of already existing and new created members as well as basic Exception handling. The following code emits a DynamicAssembly that contains an equivalent to this c# code: public static class UnixTimeHelper { priva...
docker run hello-world This will fetch the latest hello-world image from the Docker Hub (if you don't already have it), create a new container, and run it. You should see a message stating that your installation appears to be working correctly.
docker run docker/whalesay cowsay 'Hello, StackExchange!' This command tells Docker to create a container from the docker/whalesay image and run the command cowsay 'Hello, StackExchange!' in it. It should print a picture of a whale saying Hello, StackExchange! to your terminal. If the entrypoin...
Normally, a Docker container persists after it has exited. This allows you to run the container again, inspect its filesystem, and so on. However, sometimes you want to run a container and delete it immediately after it exits. For example to execute a command or show a file from the filesystem. Dock...
docker run -p "8080:8080" myApp docker run -p "" nginx docker run -P myApp In order to use ports on the host have been exposed in an image (via the EXPOSE Dockerfile directive, or --expose command line option for docker run), those ports need to be bound to...
$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 2bc9b1988080 redis "docker-entrypoint.sh" 2 weeks ago Up 2 hours>6379/tcp eleph...
Docker commands which take the name of a container accept three different forms: TypeExampleFull UUID9cc69f11a0f76073e87f25cb6eaf0e079fbfbd1bc47c063bcd25ed3722a8cc4aShort UUID9cc69f11a0f7Nameberserk_wozniak Use docker ps to view these values for the containers on your system. The UUID is generat...
To stop a running container: docker stop <container> [<container>...] This will send the main process in the container a SIGTERM, followed by a SIGKILL if it doesn't stop within the grace period. The name of each container is printed as it stops. To start a container which is stoppe...
VoiceOver can navigate many apps on iOS because most UIKit classes implement UIAccessibilityProtocol. Features that don’t represent onscreen elements using UIView, including apps that leverage Core Graphics or Metal to perform drawing, must describe these elements for accessibility. As of iOS 8.0, t...
Scollector has built in support for using cAdvisor to generate container.* metrics in Bosun for each Docker container on a host. To get started you will need to start a new container on each docker host: docker run --name cadvisor --restart=always -d -p 8080:8080 google/cadvisor And then from an...
docker ps --format 'table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}'

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