Tutorial by Examples: conte

Why do we need it? Content extension helps us to create custom user interface upon notification expanasion. You use this framework to define an extension that receives the notification data and provides the corresponding visual representation. Your extension can also respond to custom actions asso...
Use case: just one action which should return a plain (text) content as-is: public function actionAsXML() { $this->layout = false; Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_XML; return ['aaa' => [1, 2, 3, 4]];; } Pre-defined response formats are: FORMAT_HTM...
public class ExpandBarDynamicContentExample { private final Display display; private final Shell shell; public ExpandBarDynamicContentExample() { display = new Display(); shell = new Shell(display); shell.setLayout(new FillLayout()); // Create...
By setting Multi-Release: true in the MANIFEST.MF file, the Jar file becomes a multi-release Jar and the Java runtime (as long as it supports the MRJAR format) will pick the appropriate versions of classes depending on the current major version. The structure of such a Jar is the following: jar ro...
This snippet will list all the filenames of a zip archive. The filenames are relative to the zip root. using (FileStream fs = new FileStream("archive.zip", FileMode.Open)) using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(fs, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { for (int i = 0; i < archive.Entries....
Formats contain one or more encoded and muxed streams. We usually read these in chunks, which are often called frames (though in certain cases, FFmpeg refers exclusively to decoded, raw media chunks as frames, and encoded chunks as packets, which may be confusing). To read a single frame from a form...
The API call avio_alloc_context, which sets up a custom IO context, takes in a pointer to a Read function. If you are reading from an IStream, you can use the following: /** * Reads from an IStream into FFmpeg. * * @param ptr A pointer to the user-defined IO data structure. * @param b...
The API call avio_alloc_context, which sets up a custom IO context, takes in a pointer to a Seek function. If you are reading from an IStream, you can use the following: /** * Seeks to a given position on an IStream. * * @param ptr A pointer to the user-defined IO data structure. * @pa...
Once you have a stream Format Context and its respective Codec, you can open it for decoding using the following code: // The format context and codec, given - see Find a stream for how to get these AVFormatContext *formatContext; AVCodec* codec; int streamIndex; // Get the codec context AVC...
$id = $request->cookies->get('PHPSESSID'); This will return the value of the 'PHPSESSID' cookie sent by the browser.
The recommended way is to write a component, and attach it to the scene element. The scene and its children will be initialized before this component. AFRAME.registerComponent('do-something', { init: function () { var sceneEl = this.el; } }); <a-scene do-something></a-scene...
# CONTENT: Main content lib.content.main = COA lib.content.main { stdWrap.innerWrap = <!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin-->|<!--TYPO3SEARCH_end--> 10 < styles.content.get } lib.content.0 < lib.content.main # CONTENT: Sidebar lib.content.left = COA lib.content.left { stdW...
High Level Design Document MOBILE Tool (Azure AD authentication for Node.js) Version 1.0 (Draft) Table of Contents Introduction 4 Architectural Representation (Logical View) 5 Technical Process 7 Architectural Goals and Constraints 8 Size and Performance 9 Issues and concer...
While using scrollviews in storyboard it's better to calculate content size according to number of views present in scrollview rather than giving content size programatically with static value. Here are the steps to get content size dynamically. Step 1 : Add Scrollview to view in storyboard and ...
The sec:authorize attribute renders its content when the attribute expression is evaluated to true <div sec:authorize="hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')"> Content for administrators </div> <div sec:authorize="hasRole('ROLE_USER')"> Content for users </div&g...
Drupal console brings scaffolding to the Drupal ecosystem and makes it easy to generate a content entity. In most instances you will find it easier to work with a custom entity within a custom module. Step 1 : Generate a module vendor/bin/drupal generate:module Follow the prompts and create yo...
Step 1 Making the environment suitable for Notification. Make sure you enabled Background Modes and Push Notification Step 2: Creating an UNNotificationContentExtension Click on the + icon in the bottom which creates a target template and select Notification Content Extention -> next -> ...

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