Tutorial by Examples: direction

Success output stream: cmdlet > file # Send success output to file, overwriting existing content cmdlet >> file # Send success output to file, appending to existing content cmdlet 1>&2 # Send success and error output to error stream Error output stream: cmdlet 2&g...
You can perform redirection in Rails routes as follows: 4.0 get '/stories', to: redirect('/posts') 4.0 match "/abc" => redirect("http://example.com/abc") You can also redirect all unknown routes to a given path: 4.0 match '*path' => redirect('/'), via: :get ...
A bi-directional value converter utilizes two methods in your Value Converter class: toView and fromView these methods are aptly named to signify which direction the data is flowing. In our example we will be creating a prepend Value Converter which will make sure that an amount entered in our app ...
Bash indirection permits to get the value of a variable whose name is contained in another variable. Variables example: $ red="the color red" $ green="the color green" $ color=red $ echo "${!color}" the color red $ color=green $ echo "${!color}" the ...
If you are working with vectors or lines you will at some stage want to get the direction of a vector, or line. Or the direction from a point to another point. Math.atan(yComponent, xComponent) return the angle in radius within the range of -Math.PI to Math.PI (-180 to 180 deg) Direction of a vect...
If you have a vector in polar form (direction & distance) you will want to convert it to a cartesian vector with a x and y component. For referance the screen coordinate system has directions as 0 deg points from left to right, 90 (PI/2) point down the screen, and so on in a clock wise direction...
This bidirectional mapping requires the mappedBy attribute on the OneToMany association and the inversedBy attribute on the ManyToOne association. A bidirectional relationship has both an owning and inverse side. OneToMany relationships can use join tables, so you have to specify an owning side. Th...
div { direction: ltr; /* Default, text read read from left-to-right */ } .ex { direction: rtl; /* text read from right-to-left */ } .horizontal-tb { writing-mode: horizontal-tb; /* Default, text read from left-to-right and top-to-bottom. */ } .vertical-rtl { writing-mode: v...
import tensorflow as tf dims, layers = 32, 2 # Creating the forward and backwards cells lstm_fw_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(dims, forget_bias=1.0) lstm_bw_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(dims, forget_bias=1.0) # Pass lstm_fw_cell / lstm_bw_cell directly to tf.nn.bidrectional_rnn ...
A for loop iterates from the starting value down to the ending value inclusive, as a "count-down" example. program CountDown; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} var i : Integer; begin for i := 10 downto 0 do WriteLn(i); end. Output: 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
@Entity @Table(name="FOO") public class Foo { private UUID fooId; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "bar") private List<FooBar> bars; } @Entity @Table(name="BAR") public class Bar { private UUID barId; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "f...
@Entity @Table(name="FOO") public class Foo { private UUID fooId; @OneToMany @JoinTable(name="FOO_BAR", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name="fooId"), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name="barId")) private List<Bar&g...
@Entity @Table(name="FOO") public class Foo { private UUID fooId; @OneToMany(mappedBy = "bar") private List<Bar> bars; } @Entity @Table(name="BAR") public class Bar { private UUID barId; @ManyToOne @JoinColumn(nam...
@Entity @Table(name="FOO") public class Foo { private UUID fooId; @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) @JoinColumn(name = "barId") private Bar bar; } @Entity @Table(name="BAR") public class Bar { private UUID barId; ...
@Entity @Table(name="FOO") public class Foo { private UUID fooId; @OneToMany @JoinTable(name="FOO_BAR", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name="fooId"), inverseJoinColumns = @JoinColumn(name="barId", unique=true)) private ...
@Entity @Table(name="FOO") public class Foo { private UUID fooId; @OneToOne private Bar bar; } @Entity @Table(name="BAR") public class Bar { private UUID barId; //No corresponding mapping to Foo.class } Specifies a one-way relationship b...
2.04 Bash treats some paths as special and can do some network communication by writing to /dev/{udp|tcp}/host/port. Bash cannot setup a listening server, but can initiate a connection, and for TCP can read the results at least. For example, to send a simple web request one could do: exec 3</...
Nginx configuration to detect request from mobile user-agent and redirect them to mobile site. location / { #mobile site handling as per user agent set $mobile_rewrite do_not_perform; // variable to store action. default set to not perform redirection to mobile site. if ($htt...
The HTTP response status code 301 Moved Permanently is used for permanent URL redirection, meaning current links or records using the URL that the response is received for should be updated. The new URL should be provided in the Location field included with the response. The 301 redirect is consider...
Format: [command] [> | >>] [filename] > saves the output of [command] into [filename]. >> appends the output of [command] into [filename]. Examples: echo Hello World > myfile.txt saves "Hello World" into myfile.txt echo your name is %name% >> myfi...

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