Tutorial by Examples: eclipse

Here are the steps to generate test skeleton for existing code: Open Eclipse, and choose the project you want to create test cases for In the Package Explorer, select the java class you want to generate the Junit test for Go to File -> New -> Junit Test Cases Change the Source folder to ...
This assumes you have installed both Eclipse and SBT. Install the SBT plugin for Eclipse from the Eclipse marketplace. In the command line switch directory to the root directory of the project. $ cd ~/home/sample/project Execute sbt, which will load the project. $ sbt Compile t...
Creating a project in scala is very similar to creating one in java. Here is what the entry class should look like: package com.example.myplugin; //{$TopLevelDomain}.{$Domain}.{$PluginName} import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender import org.bukkit.comma...
Note: This setup guide assumes that you have Java and Eclipse already installed on your machine. If you do not, download the latest version of the Java Development Kit (henceforth referred to as the JDK) and the latest version of Eclipse (Neon 3 at time of writing). Step One: Downloading LWJGL To...
Prerequisite This guide assumes you have already used BuildTools and have run the Spigot server at least once. It also assumes that you have the Spigot-API jar file which we will use. 1) Start Eclipse; you may change the workspace location if desired. 2) Create a new Project Set the project na...
How to install TestNG in eclipse Open eclipse Click on Help > Install New software Click Add Provide name & URL - http://beust.com/eclipse Select TestNG Click Next Click Finish It will take some time to install TestNG Once installed then restart eclipse. Lets c...
To use Processing in Eclipse, start by creating a new Java project. Then, select File > Import and then choose General > File System to locate the core.jar file. It can be found in PATH_TO_PROCESSING/core/library/ for Windows or /Applications/Processing 3.app/Contents/Java/core/library/ for Ma...

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