Our demo app consists of a scoreboard. The score model is an immutable record. The scoreboard events are contained in a Union Type.
namespace Score.Model
type Score = { ScoreA: int ; ScoreB: int }
type ScoringEvent = IncA | DecA | IncB | DecB | NewGame
Changes are propagated by listening for events and updating the view model accordingly. Instead of adding members to the model type, as in OOP, we declare a separate module to host the allowed operations.
module Score =
let zero = {ScoreA = 0; ScoreB = 0}
let update score event =
match event with
| IncA -> {score with ScoreA = score.ScoreA + 1}
| DecA -> {score with ScoreA = max (score.ScoreA - 1) 0}
| IncB -> {score with ScoreB = score.ScoreB + 1}
| DecB -> {score with ScoreB = max (score.ScoreB - 1) 0}
| NewGame -> zero
Our view model derives from EventViewModelBase<'a>
, which has a property EventStream
of type IObservable<'a>
. In this case the events we want to subscribe to are of type ScoringEvent
The controller handles the events in a functional manner. Its signature Score -> ScoringEvent -> Score
shows us that, whenever an event occurs, the current value of the model is transformed into a new value. This allows for our model to remain pure, although our view model is not.
An eventHandler
is in charge of mutating the state of the view. Inheriting from EventViewModelBase<'a>
we can use EventValueCommand
and EventValueCommandChecked
to hook up the events to the commands.
namespace Score.ViewModel
open Score.Model
open FSharp.ViewModule
type MainViewModel(controller : Score -> ScoringEvent -> Score) as self =
inherit EventViewModelBase<ScoringEvent>()
let score = self.Factory.Backing(<@ self.Score @>, Score.zero)
let eventHandler ev = score.Value <- controller score.Value ev
|> Observable.add eventHandler
member this.IncA = this.Factory.EventValueCommand(IncA)
member this.DecA = this.Factory.EventValueCommandChecked(DecA, (fun _ -> this.Score.ScoreA > 0), [ <@@ this.Score @@> ])
member this.IncB = this.Factory.EventValueCommand(IncB)
member this.DecB = this.Factory.EventValueCommandChecked(DecB, (fun _ -> this.Score.ScoreB > 0), [ <@@ this.Score @@> ])
member this.NewGame = this.Factory.EventValueCommand(NewGame)
member __.Score = score.Value
The code behind file (*.xaml.fs) is where everything is put together, i.e. the update function (controller
) is injected in the MainViewModel
namespace Score.Views
open FsXaml
type MainView = XAML<"MainWindow.xaml">
type CompositionRoot() =
member __.ViewModel = Score.ViewModel.MainViewModel(Score.Model.Score.update)
The type CompositionRoot
serves as a wrapper that’s referenced in the XAML file.
<local:CompositionRoot x:Key="CompositionRoot"/>
<Binding Source="{StaticResource CompositionRoot}" Path="ViewModel" />
I won’t dive any deeper into the XAML file as it’s basic WPF stuff, the entire project can be found on GitHub.