namespace Spirograph
type MainWindow(app: App, model: Model) as this =
inherit MainWindowXaml()
let myApp = app
let myModel = model
let whenLoaded _ =
let whenClosing _ =
let whenClosed _ =
let menuExitHandler _ =
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Good-bye", "Spirograph") |> ignore
let menuParametersHandler _ =
let myParametersDialog = new DialogBox(myApp, myModel, this)
myParametersDialog.Topmost <- true
let bResult = myParametersDialog.ShowDialog()
let menuDrawHandler _ =
if myModel.MyColor = MRandom then myModel.Randomize
let menuAboutHandler _ =
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("F#/WPF Menus & Dialogs", "Spirograph")
|> ignore
this.Loaded.Add whenLoaded
this.Closing.Add whenClosing
this.Closed.Add whenClosed
this.menuExit.Click.Add menuExitHandler
this.menuParameters.Click.Add menuParametersHandler
this.menuDraw.Click.Add menuDrawHandler
this.menuAbout.Click.Add menuAboutHandler
There's not a lot going on here: We open the Parameters dialog box when required and we have the option of redrawing the spirograph with whatever the current parameters are.