This example will show you how to create a simple animation using the canvas and the 2D context. It is assumed you know how to create and add a canvas to the DOM and obtain the context
// this example assumes ctx and canvas have been created
const textToDisplay = "This is an example that uses the canvas to animate some text.";
const textStyle = "white";
const BGStyle = "black"; // background style
const textSpeed = 0.2; // in pixels per millisecond
const textHorMargin = 8; // have the text a little outside the canvas
ctx.font = Math.floor(canvas.height * 0.8) + "px arial"; // size the font to 80% of canvas height
var textWidth = ctx.measureText(textToDisplay).width; // get the text width
var totalTextSize = (canvas.width + textHorMargin * 2 + textWidth);
ctx.textBaseline = "middle"; // not put the text in the vertical center
ctx.textAlign = "left"; // align to the left
var textX = canvas.width + 8; // start with the text off screen to the right
var textOffset = 0; // how far the text has moved
var startTime;
// this function is call once a frame which is approx 16.66 ms (60fps)
function update(time){ // time is passed by requestAnimationFrame
if(startTime === undefined){ // get a reference for the start time if this is the first frame
startTime = time;
ctx.fillStyle = BGStyle;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // clear the canvas by drawing over it
textOffset = ((time - startTime) * textSpeed) % (totalTextSize); // move the text left
ctx.fillStyle = textStyle; // set the text style
ctx.fillText(textToDisplay, textX - textOffset, canvas.height / 2); // render the text
requestAnimationFrame(update);// all done request the next frame
requestAnimationFrame(update);// to start request the first frame
A demo of this example at jsfiddle