Roman numerals are a number system that was devised by the ancient Romans for the purpose of counting and performing other day-to-day transactions. Several letters from the Latin alphabet are used for the representation of roman numerals.
Humanizer.Core provides the ToRoman
extension method that converts numbers to roman numerals. Let's consider the following simple example which converts integer numbers to roman numerals.
public static void Example1()
List<int> list = new List<int>()
foreach (var value in list)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: \t {1}", value, value.ToRoman());
Let's execute the above example and you will see the following output.
1: I
2: II
3: III
4: IV
5: V
It also supports the reverse operation using the FromRoman
extension method.
public static void Example2()
List<string> list = new List<string>()
foreach (var value in list)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: \t {1}", value, value.FromRoman());
Let's execute the above example and you will see the following output.
VI: 6
VII: 7
IX: 9
X: 10