Humanizer.Core to turn a string representation back into a ByteSize instance, but you can use Parse and TryParse on ByteSize to do that. Like other TryParse methods, ByteSize.TryParse returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the parsing was successful. If the value is parsed it is output to the out parameter supplied:
public static void Example1()
List<string> list = new List<string>()
foreach (var value in list)
ByteSize output;
ByteSize.TryParse(value, out output);
Console.WriteLine("{0}: \t {1}", value, output.ToFullWords());
Let's execute the above example and you will see the following output.
7b: 7 bits
16B: 16 bytes
4.5KB: 4.5 kilobytes
1.5MB: 1.5 megabytes
6.3GB: 6.3 gigabytes
4.7TB: 4.7 terabytes