Tutorial by Examples: allo

Same as the known length example, but insert the length into regex: int length = 5; String[] parts = str.split("(?<=\\G.{" + length + "})");
realloc is conceptually equivalent to malloc + memcpy + free on the other pointer. If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior of realloc is implementation-defined. This is similar for all memory allocation functions that receive a size parameter of value 0. Such functions may in fact ...
["Guten Tag " | [<<"Hello">>]]. [<<"Guten Tag ">> | [<<"Hello">>]]. [$G, $u, $t, $e, $n , $T, $a, $g | [<<"Hello">>]]. [71,117,116,101,110,84,97,103,<<"Hello">>].
The following example uses allow and receive to stub a Cart's call to a CreditCardService so that the example doesn't have to wait for a network call or use a credit card number that the processor knows about. class Cart def check_out begin transaction_id = CreditCardService.instance...
If you need to store images or videos in the column then we need to change the value as needed by your application max_allowed_packet = 10M M is Mb, G in Gb, K in Kb
Use the double negation syntax to check for truthiness of values. All values correspond to a boolean, irrespective of their type. irb(main):001:0> !!1234 => true irb(main):002:0> !!"Hello, world!" (irb):2: warning: string literal in condition => true irb(main):003:0> !...
Orphan nodes/vertices are those lacking all relationships/edges. MATCH (n) WHERE NOT (n)--() DELETE n
It is possible to emit a message or data to all users except the one making the request: var io = require('socket.io')(80); io.on('connection', function (socket) { socket.broadcast.emit('user connected'); });
Arrays in MATLAB are held as continuous blocks in memory, allocated and released automatically by MATLAB. MATLAB hides memory management operations such as resizing of an array behind easy to use syntax: a = 1:4 a = 1 2 3 4 a(5) = 10 % or alternatively a = [a, 10] a = ...
A new memory block on the heap is allocated using the new expression, which returns a pointer to the managed memory: void main() { int* a = new int; *a = 42; // dereferencing import std.stdio : writeln; writeln("a: ", *a); }
Kubernetes was originally developed by Google to power their Container Engine. As such, Kubernetes clusters are a first class citizen at Google. Creating a Kubernetes cluster in the container engine requires gcloud command from the Google Cloud SDK. To install this command locally, use one of the f...
Where a method to be tested uses information from one call to pass on to subsequent calls, one approach that can be used to ensure the methods are called in the expected order is to setup the expectations to reflect this flow of data. Given the method to test: public void MethodToTest() { va...
When you can't / don't want to use Strict Mocks, you can't use MockSequence to validate call order. An alternate approach is to use callbacks to validate that the Setup expectations are being invoked in the expected order. Given the following method to test: public void MethodToTest() { _ut...
Moq provides support for validating call order using MockSequence, however it only works when using Strict mocks. So, Given the following method to test: public void MethodToTest() { _utility.Operation1("1111"); _utility.Operation2("2222"); _utility.Operation3(&...
Full official instructions can be found here. MacPorts Install MacPorts. Then, in the terminal execute: port install sbt Homebrew Install Homebrew. Then, in the terminal execute: brew install sbt Sources Download sbt All platforms (tgz) installation from SBT. sudo su cd /opt mkdir sbt...
01 field-1 PIC X(80) BASED. ALLOCATE field-1 *> use field-1 FREE field-1 *> further use of field-1 will cause memory corruption
In case of problems, enable the internal logger <nlog internalLogFile="c:\log.txt" internalLogLevel="Trace"> <targets> <!-- target configuration here --> </targets> <rules> <!-- log routing rules --> </rules&gt...
In case of problems, enable the internal logger. C# example: // set internal log level InternalLogger.LogLevel = LogLevel.Trace; // enable one of the targets: file, console, logwriter: // enable internal logging to a file (absolute or relative path. Don't use layout renderers) InternalL...

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