Tutorial by Topics: js

There are several reason to invalidate a JWT token before its expiration time: account deleted/blocked/suspended, password or permissions changed, user logged out by admin. JWT is self-contained, signed and stored outside of the server context, so revoking a token is not a simple action.
Play documentation: https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.5.x/JavaJsonActions
npm install [plugin-name] --save-dev npm install [plugin-name] --save Function <function-name> (glob) { $.src(glob).pipe([plugin 1]).pipe([plugin 2])....pipe([plugin n]).pipe( $.dest(<destination-name>) } $.task(<taskname> , [dependencies] , <body>); Continue Read...
Cool. So we are all done with our workflow automation. We now have a gulp file , that Responsifies and minifies images cleans,autoprefixes,concatenates and minifies Css Concatenates and minifies JS Watches for changes to assets be it HTML | CSS | JS and triggers associated tasks Creates a ...
Be sure to add the following header to the post request. Otherwise the request will fail: Content-Type: application/json
Ionic offers a variety of Javascript AngularJS extensions for you to use. These extensions can be anything from normal form inputs to modal windows and makes coding your basic app a lot faster using these ready extensions.
NameDescriptioncontrollerAsis an alias name, to which variables or functions can be assigned to. @see: https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/directive$injectDependency Injection list, it is resolved by angular and passing as an argument to constuctor functions. While doing the directive in TypeScript,...
I get many informations from this web sites: http://www.jmdoudoux.fr/java/dej/chap-annotations.html http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/girch.html
We have covered the basic and most commonly used operations in node_redis. You can use this module to leverage the full power of Redis and create really sophisticated Node.js apps. You can build many interesting things with this library such as a strong caching layer, a powerful Pub/Sub messaging ...
dropzone.js is a lightweight script that allows you to provide users with a simple interface to upload files to your server. Note that dropzone.js requires you to have set up server side processing, as mentioned on their official website. The files are uploaded via AJAX. It does not require any e...

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