Tutorial by Topics: m

On Mac and Linux, the meteor command line tool assumes that the ssh command line tool, used to make secure connections to other computers, is always present. On Windows, this tool needs to be installed. Below are listed two options for setting it up and using it.
While most HTML tags are used to create elements, HTML also provides in-text formatting tags to apply specific text-related styles to portions of text. This topic includes examples of HTML text formatting such as highlighting, bolding, underlining, subscript, and stricken text. <abbr>Ab...
This spoiler syntax is specific to Stack Exchange, and is not part of a standard markdown syntax.
This is a simple hello world function in Common Lisp. Examples will print the text Hello, World! (without quotation marks; followed by a newline) to the standard output. Common Lisp is a programming language that is largely used interactively using an interface known as a REPL. The REPL (Read Eva...
Due to the GIL (Global interpreter lock) only one instance of the python interpreter executes in a single process. So in general, using multi-threading only improves IO bound computations, not CPU-bound ones. The multiprocessing module is recommended if you wish to parallelise CPU-bound tasks. G...
Threads allow Python programs to handle multiple functions at once as opposed to running a sequence of commands individually. This topic explains the principles behind threading and demonstrates its usage.
While everything in Node.js is generally done asynchronously, require() is not one of those things. Since modules in practice only need to be loaded once, it is a blocking operation and should be used properly. Modules are cached after the first time they are loaded. Should you be editing a modul...
SELECT column_1 [, column_2 ] FROM table_1 ORDER BY order_column LIMIT row_count [OFFSET row_offset] SELECT column_1 [, column_2 ] FROM table_1 ORDER BY order_column LIMIT [row_offset,] row_count "Limit" could mean "Max number of rows in a table". "Offset&q...
Text formatting in markdown usually requires characters at both the beginning and end of the text.
[default-capture, capture-list] (argument-list) mutable throw-specification attributes -> return-type { lambda-body } // Order of lambda specifiers and attributes. [capture-list] (argument-list) { lambda-body } // Common lambda definition. [=] (argument-list) { lambda-body } // Captures all ...
class twilio.rest.resources.Messages(*args, **kwargs) ParameterDetailsto (str)The destination phone number.from_ (str)The phone number sending this message (must be a verified Twilio number)body (str)The message you want to send, limited to 160 characters.status_callbackA URL that Twilio wil...
When using Channel Groups, you should not add or remove channels in your client side applications. This example shows adding channels to a channel group and subscribing to that channel group for simplicity sake. But in a real world scenario, you should have your server do all the add/remove of cha...
<img src="" alt=""> ParametersDetailssrcSpecifies the URL of the imagesrcsetImages to use in different situations (e.g., high-resolution displays, small monitors, etc)sizesImage sizes between breakpointscrossoriginHow the element handles crossorigin requestsusemapN...
transition: <property> <duration> <timing-function> <delay>; @keyframes <identifier> [ [ from | to | <percentage> ] [, from | to | <percentage> ]* block ]* Transition ParameterDetailspropertyEither the CSS property to transition on, or all, which s...
Stream Filter provides the ability to filter messages on the server before they are sent to a subscriber is a popular request. With the introduction of our v4.x SDKs, you now have the ability to do so using message meta data.

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