Tutorial by Topics: pre

PREPARE stmt_name FROM preparable_stmt EXECUTE stmt_name [USING @var_name [, @var_name] ...] {DEALLOCATE | DROP} PREPARE stmt_name
Expression trees are data structures used to represent code expressions in the .NET Framework. They can be generated by code and traversed programmatically to translate the code to another language or execute it. The most popular generator of Expression Trees is the C# compiler itself. The C# comp...
Fold Expressions are supported for the following operators             +-*/%\ˆ&|<<>>+=-=*=/=%=\ˆ=&=|=<<=>>====!=<><=>=&&||,.*->* When folding over an empty sequence, a fold expression is ill-formed, except for the following three operators: ...
The official API reference for the Spreadsheet Service can be found at https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/spreadsheet/.
In most cases, the spread operator *. is identical to calling .collect { it.________ }. def animals = ['cat', 'dog', 'fish'] assert animals*.length() == animals.collect { it.length() } But if the subject is null, they behave a differently: def animals = null assert animals*.length() == null...
An F() expression is a way for Django to use a Python object to refer to the value of model field or annotated column in the database without having to pull the value into Python memory. This allows developers to avoid certain race conditions and also filtering results based on model field values. ...
re.findAllIn(s: CharSequence): MatchIterator re.findAllMatchIn(s: CharSequence): Iterator[Match] re.findFirstIn(s: CharSequence): Option[String] re.findFirstMatchIn(s: CharSequence): Option[Match] re.findPrefixMatchIn(s: CharSequence): Option[Match] re.findPrefixOf(s: CharSequence): Option[St...
HTTP MethodPurposeOPTIONSRetrieve information about the communication options (available methods and headers) available on the specified request URI.GETRetrieve the data identified by the request URI, or the data produced by the script available at the request URI.HEADIdentical to GET except that n...
A PreparedStatement declares the statement before it is executed, and allows for placeholders for parameters. This allows the statement to be prepared (and optimized) once on the server, and then reused with different sets of parameters. The added benefit of the parameter placeholders, is that it...
Header: YAML format, used when the script is compile to define general parameter and metadata Parameterdefinitiontitlethe title of the documentauthorThe author of the documentdateThe date of the document: Can be "r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')"authorThe author of the docu...
Another benefit from using braced expression strings is that the byte compiler usually can generate more efficient code (5 - 10x faster) from them.
Status CodeReason-Phrase — Description100Continue — the client should send the following part of a multi-part request.101Switching Protocols — the server is changing the version or type of protocol used in this communication.200OK — the server has received and completed the client's request.201Crea...
Responses are cached separately for each URL and each HTTP method. HTTP caching is defined in RFC 7234. Glossary fresh — state of a cached response, which hasn't expired yet. Typically, a fresh response can satisfy requests without a need to contact the server the response originated from. ...
When you need to check for the presence or position of a substring within a string, VBA offers the InStr and InStrRev functions that return the character position of the substring in the string, if it is present.
Espresso Espresso cheat sheet will help you write your tests and what you want to test: https://google.github.io/android-testing-support-library/docs/espresso/cheatsheet/ Also always a good place for reference is the official documentation: https://google.github.io/android-testing-support-l...

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