Tutorial by Topics: ui

Programs written in C++ need to be compiled before they can be run. There is a large variety of compilers available depending on your operating system. Most operating systems ship without a compiler, and they have to be installed later. Some common compilers choices are: GCC, the GNU Compil...
UISplitViewController is a container class like UITabViewController, UINavigationController. It separates the main view into two View Controllers masterViewController(PrimaryViewController) and detailViewController(SecondaryViewController). we can send an array with two view controllers and Apple...
In iOS 8 and later, you can use the UISplitViewController class on all iOS devices, in previous versions of iOS, the class is available only on iPad. UISplitViewController is a container class like UITabViewController, UINavigationController. It separates the main view into two UIViewControll...
PropertyDescriptionnameThe name identifying the device.systemName: StringThe name of the operating system running on the device represented by the receiver.model: StringThe model of the device.systemVersion: StringThe current version of the operating system.. The UIDevice class provides a Singl...
Linting your ionic app before running has huge advantages. It will analyse code for potential errors and save you tremendous amount of time. What is linting and how to install the required packages? "Linting is the process of running a program that will analyse code for potential errors.&...
The built-in VCL contains procedures that are included and run last by Varnish. They can complement user defined VCL by providing logic that is appropriate for the majority of the sites. For example, skips cache for POST requests, and/or in presence of cookie or authorization headers. If some of t...
xcodebuild [-project name.xcodeproj] -scheme schemename [[-destination destinationspecifier] ...] [-destination-timeout value] [-configuration configurationname] [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...] [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...] OptionDescription-projectBuild the p...
Build Systems are written in JSON, and have the file extension .sublime-build. Build Systems are output-only, meaning it is not possible to execute some code that will request user input using the build system. The code will just block waiting for input forever. To work around this, many pe...
This is an extension of Python's "Meta: Documentation Guidelines" for Django. These are just proposals, not recommendations. Feel free to edit anything here if you disagree or have something else to mention.
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JavaFX Scene Builder is a visual layout tool that lets users quickly design JavaFX application user interfaces, without coding. It is used to generate FXML files. JavaFX Scene Builder is a visual layout tool that lets users quickly design JavaFX application user interfaces, without coding. Use...
#Requires -Version <N>[.<n>] #Requires –PSSnapin <PSSnapin-Name> [-Version <N>[.<n>]] #Requires -Modules { <Module-Name> | <Hashtable> } #Requires –ShellId <ShellId> #Requires -RunAsAdministrator #requires statement can be placed on any li...
UIDatePicker does not inherit from UIPickerView, but it manages a custom picker-view object as a subview.
This section provides an overview of what quickblox is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within quickblox, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for quickblox is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related...

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