Tutorial by Topics: v

Verilog is a hardware description language (HDL) that is used to design, simulate, and verify digital circuitry at a behavioral or register-transfer level. It is noteworthy for a reasons that distinguish it from "traditional" programming languages: There are two types of assignment, b...
Column typeDescription:primary_keyPrimary key:stringShorter string datatype. Allows limit option for maximum number of characters.:textLonger amount of text. Allows limit option for maximum number of bytes.:integerInteger. Allows limit option for maximum number of bytes.:bigintLarger integer:float...
Hive is a data warehouse tool built on top of Hadoop. It provides an SQL-like language to query data. We can run almost all the SQL queries in Hive, the only difference, is that, it runs a map-reduce job at the backend to fetch result from Hadoop Cluster. Because of this Hive sometimes take mo...
We all know them, but these practices are far less obvious to someone starting to program in VBA.
This section provides an overview of what Azure Service Bus is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within Azure Service Bus, and link out to the related topics. Since the documentation for Azure Service Bus is new, you may need to create initial ve...
AttributeDescriptionheightSpecifies the canvas heightwidthSpecifies the canvas width This tag is not compatible with versions of Internet Explorer less than 9. Check caniuse.com for browser compatibility. canvas is only a container for graphics, and the actual drawing of graphics is done by J...
In order to use the Objective-C runtime, you need to import it. #import <objc/objc.h>


SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics. SVG is used to define graphics for the Web The HTML <svg> element is a container for SVG graphics. SVG has several methods for drawing paths, boxes, circles, text, and graphic images. SVG is an XML-based language for creating scalable vector ima...
structure: /* code */ endstructure; When mixing the alternative structure for switch with HTML, it is important to not have any whitespace between the initial switch($condition): and first case $value:. Doing this is attempting to echo something (whitespace) before a case. All control stru...
When using CBV we often need to know exactly what methods we can overwrite for each generic class. This page of the django documentation lists all the generic classes with all of their methods flattened and the class attributes we can use. In addition, Classy Class Based View website provides th...
The __name__ special variable is used to check whether a file has been imported as a module or not, and to identify a function, class, module object by their __name__ attribute. The Python special variable __name__ is set to the name of the containing module. At the top level (such as in the i...
(function name) ; retrieves the function object of that name #'name ; syntactic sugar for (function name) (symbol-function symbol) ; returns the function bound to symbol (funcall function args...) ; call function with args (apply function arglist) ; call function with arguments given in a list...

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