Tutorial by Topics: view

The NavigationView represents a standard navigation menu for application. The menu contents can be populated by a menu resource file. Before using the NavigationView you must add the design support library dependency in the build.gradle file: dependencies { compile 'com.android.support:de...
Note that a ViewTreeObserver instance associated with a View instance can become invalid while that View is still alive. From the View.getViewTreeObserver javadocs: // The returned ViewTreeObserver observer is not guaranteed to remain // valid for the lifetime of this View. If the caller of this...
WebView is a view that display web pages inside your application. By this you can add your own URL. Please don't forget to add permission in your Android manifest file <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
RecyclerView is a more advanced version of List View with improved performance and additional features. ParameterDetailAdapterA subclass of RecyclerView.Adapter responsible for providing views that represent items in a data setPositionThe position of a data item within an AdapterIndexThe index ...
RecyclerView addItemDecoration(RecyclerView.ItemDecoration decoration) RecyclerView addItemDecoration(RecyclerView.ItemDecoration decoration, int index) ParameterDetailsdecorationthe item decoration to add to the RecyclerViewindexthe index in the list of decorations for this RecyclerView. T...
notification name { email = [email protected], [email protected], ... post = http://example.com get = http://example.com next = another-notification-definition timeout = 30m runOnActions = false body = {"text": {{.|json}}} contentType = application/json print = true...
ViewPager is a Layout manager that allows the user to flip left and right through pages of data. It is most often used in conjunction with Fragment, which is a convenient way to supply and manage the lifecycle of each page. One important thing to note about ViewPager usage is that there are tw...
#See https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/ for Go Template Action and Function syntax expression = alert status {{.Last.Status}} and a variable {{.Eval .Alert.Vars.q | printf "%.2f"}} expression = `Use backticks to span multiple lines with line breaks in the Bosun config file` templ...
Scollector is a monitoring agent that can be used to send metrics to Bosun or any system that accepts OpenTSDB style metrics. It is modelled after OpenTSDB's tcollector data collection framework but is written in Go and compiled into a single binary. One of the design goals is to auto-detect servi...
A FrameLayout with a rounded corner background and shadow. CardView uses elevation property on Lollipop for shadows and falls back to a custom emulated shadow implementation on older platforms. Due to expensive nature of rounded corner clipping, on platforms before Lollipop, CardView does not clip...
A simple, widely-used, yet very powerful view that can present data in a list form using rows and a single column. Users may scroll vertically through the items in a table view, and optionally manipulate and select content. - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPat...
// Objective-C [UIView new] // Get a view object allocated and initialized [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:(Pass CGRect)] // Get the view allocated and initialized with a frame [[UIView alloc] init] // Get a view object allocated and initialized // Swift UIView() // Creat...

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