Tutorial by Topics: wait

In C#, a method declared async won't block within a synchronous process, in case of you're using I/O based operations (e.g. web access, working with files, ...). The result of such async marked methods may be awaited via the use of the awaitkeyword. An async method can return void, Task or Tas...
async and await build on top of promises and generators to express asynchronous actions inline. This makes asynchronous or callback code much easier to maintain. Functions with the async keyword return a Promise, and can be called with that syntax. Inside an async function the await keyword can be...
To run any of these examples just call them like that: static void Main() { new Program().ProcessDataAsync(); Console.ReadLine(); }
async-await allows asynchronous (means non-blocking, parallel) execution of code. It helps to keep your UI responsive at all times, while running potentially long operations in the background. It is especially useful for I/O operations (like downloading from a server, or reading a file from the H...
wait [on SIGNAL1[, SIGNAL2[...]]] [until CONDITION] [for TIMEOUT]; wait; -- Eternal wait wait on s1, s2; -- Wait until signals s1 or s2 (or both) change wait until s1 = 15; -- Wait until signal s1 changes and its new value is 15 wait until s1 = 15 for 10 ns; -- Wait until signal s1 changes an...
Async/await is a set of keywords that allows writing of asynchronous code in a procedural manner without having to rely on callbacks (callback hell) or promise-chaining (.then().then().then()). This works by using the await keyword to suspend the state of an async function, until the resolution of ...
One of the most common stumbling blocks for newer Selenium users is waiting until a page is fully loaded. Human users can easily tell if a page has fully loaded or if it is still loading. Selenium, however, just waits for a set amount of time. Therefore, it is often convenient to have a good way to ...

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