Tutorial by Topics: win

On Mac and Linux, the meteor command line tool assumes that the ssh command line tool, used to make secure connections to other computers, is always present. On Windows, this tool needs to be installed. Below are listed two options for setting it up and using it.
Windows Forms ("WinForms" for short) is a GUI class library included with the .NET Framework. It is a sophisticated object-oriented wrapper around the Win32 API, allowing the development of Windows desktop and mobile applications that target the .NET Framework. WinForms is primarily eve...
WinAPI (also known as Win32; officially called the Microsoft Windows API) is an application programming interface written in C by Microsoft to allow access to Windows features. The main components of the WinAPI are: WinBase: The kernel functions, CreateFile, CreateProcess, etc WinUser: The GUI...
:split <file> :vsplit <file> :sp <- shorthand for split :vsp <- shorthand for vsplit When called from the command line, multiple files can be provided in the argument and vim will create one split for each file. When called from ex mode, only one file can be opened per ...
Windows is a series of operating systems developed and published by software company Microsoft. you can get expanded information from Wikipedia - Microsoft Windows Desktop versions VersionDateDOS1981-08-011.011985-11-201.021986-05-011.031986-08-011.041986-04-012.031987-12-092.101988-05-272.1...
This section provides an overview of what windbg is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within windbg, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for windbg is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics. ...
Swing has been superseded by JavaFX. Oracle generally recommends developing new applications with JavaFX. Still: Swing will be supported in Java for the foreseeable future. JavaFX also integrates well with Swing, to allow transitioning applications smoothly. It is strongly recommended to have mos...
#include <windows.h> BOOL WINAPI DestroyWindow(HWND hwnd); VOID WINAPI PostQuitMessage(int exitcode); BOOL WINAPI MoveWindow(HWND hwnd, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, BOOL bRepaint);
Param/FunctionDescriptionfile-uploadname of the file <input> field$sampleNamecould also be dynamically generated string or the name of the file uploaded by the userapp_path()is Laravel helper to provide the absolute path to the applicationgetCLientOriginalExtension()Laravel wrapper to fetch t...
Quitting the application on window close It's easy to forget to quit the application when the window is closed. Remember to add the following line. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //Quit the application when the JFrame is closed
These examples introduce the most used commands of Perl to manipulate Excel via Win32::OLE module. $Sheet->Range(Cell1,[Cell2]) #Select a cell or a range of cells $Sheet->Cells(rowIndex, columnIndex) #Select a cell by index of row and column ParametersDetailsCell1 (required)The na...
public abstract class SwingWorker<T,V> T - the result type returned by this SwingWorker's doInBackground and get methods. V - the type used for carrying out intermediate results by this SwingWorker's publish and process methods. T doInBackground() - The abstract fu...
HTTP services normally run on port 80, but if you have some application installed like Skype which also utilizes port 80 then it won't start. In that case you need to change either its port or the port of the conflicting application. When done, restart the HTTP service.

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