Once you get past your 'Hello World' app, you'll need to start paying attention to your collection and document schemas, and will need some tools for managing your database.
- Robomongo - A longtime community favorite for managing Mongo. Highly recommended.
- JSON Generator - Invaluable utility for generating sample datasets.
- MacOSX Mongo Preference Page - Preferences GUI for MacOSX.
- MongoHub - Another Mongo GUI, similar to RoboMongo. MacOSX only.
- Mongo3 - One of the few cluster management tools around. Able to visualize replication sets. Only downside is it's built in Ruby.
- Mongo Monitoring Service - Once you're ready to bring something into production, MMS is invaluable. Now known as MongoDB Atlas.
- Mongo Express - Web-based MongoDB admin interface, written with Node.js and express