Simple pattern for filtering subscriptions on the server, using regexes, reactive session variables, and deps autoruns.
// create our collection
WordList = new Meteor.Collection("wordlist");
// and a default session variable to hold the value we're searching for
Session.setDefault('dictionary_search', '');
// we create a reactive context that will rerun items when a Session variable gets updated
// and create a subscription that will get re-subscribe to when Session variable gets updated
Meteor.subscribe('wordlist', Session.get('dictionary_search'));
'keyup #dictionarySearchInput': function(evt,tmpl){
// we set the Session variable with the value of our input when it changes
Session.set('dictionary_search', $('#dictionarySearchInput').val());
'click #dictionarySearchInput':function(){
// and clear the session variable when we enter the input
Session.set('dictionary_search', '');
Meteor.publish('wordlist', function (word_search) {
// this query gets rerun whenever the client subscribes to this publication
return WordList.find({
// and here we do our regex search
Word: { $regex: word_search, $options: 'i' }
},{limit: 100});
And the HTML that is used on the client:
<input id="dictionarySearchInput" type="text" placeholder="Filter..." value="hello"></input>
This pattern itself is pretty straight forward, but the regexes may not be. If you're not familiar with regexes, here are some useful tutorials and links:
Regular Expression Tutorial
Regular Expression Cheat Sheet
Regular Expressions in Javascript