Select "SuiteCloud IDE" site in the Work With dropdown
Proceed through the install wizard
Restart Eclipse when prompted
Configure the SuiteCloud IDE plugin
When Eclipse restarts, you will be prompted to set up the SuiteCloud plugin with a master password and default NetSuite account
After completing this set up wizard, navigate to Preferences > NetSuite
Here you will find all of the SuiteCloud IDE preferences
[Optional] If your primary use for Eclipse is NetSuite development, navigate to Preferences > General > Perspectives and make the "NetSuite" Perspective your default
Create a new NetSuite project
Right-click in the NS Explorer window and select New > NetSuite project
Follow the wizard for the project setup of your choosing. The project types are as follows:
Account Customization: A project that leverages the SuiteCloud Development Framework for building custom objects, records, and scripts for customizing a NetSuite account.
SuiteScript: A project used exclusively for writing scripts.
SSP Application: A SuiteScript Server Pages application, used typically in conjunction with SiteBuilder or SuiteCommerce for NetSuite-backed E-Commerce applications.