Docs: data binding, attribute binding, binding to array items, computed bindings.
Don't forget: Polymer camel-cases properties, so if in JavaScript you use myProperty
in HTML you would use my-property
One way binding: when myProperty
changes, theirProperty
gets updated:
<some-element their-property="[[myProperty]]"></some-element>
Two way binding: when myProperty
changes, theirProperty
gets updated,
and vice versa:
<some-element their-property="{{myProperty}}"></some-element>
Attribute binding: when myProperty
is true
, the element is hidden; when it's
, the element is visible. The difference between attribute and property
binding is that property binding is equivalent to someElement.someProp = value
whereas attribute binding is equivalent to: someElement.setAttribute(someProp, value)
<some-element hidden$="[[myProperty]]"></some-element>
Computed binding: binding to the class
attribute will recompile styles when
<some-element class$="[[_computeSomething(myProperty)]]"></some-element>
_computeSomething: function(prop) {
return prop ? 'a-class-name' : 'another-class-name';