Tutorial by Topics

d3.dispatch - create a custom event dispatcher. dispatch.on - register or unregister an event listener. dispatch.copy - create a copy of a dispatcher. dispatch.call - dispatch an event to registered listeners. dispatch.apply - dispatch an event to registered listeners. Dispatching is a ...
IPython is a Read-Evaluate-Print Loop shell for interactive Python development. It supports interactive visualizations using GUI toolkits, and provides a kernel for Jupyter. It can also be embedded into other projects. There are other similar REPL shells for Python, for example, ptpython and bpyt...
Note about XML syntax: As the record is made inside of XML file, you can not leave any tag unclosed as you could in a plain HTML, like: <link rel='stylesheet' href="..." >, Close the link tag instead, like: <link rel='stylesheet' href="..." /> Possible ...
Text is a more efficient alternative to Haskell's standard String type. String is defined as a linked list of characters in the standard Prelude, per the Haskell Report: type String = [Char] Text is represented as a packed array of Unicode characters. This is similar to how most other high-lev...
GHCI is the interactive REPL that comes bundled with GHC.
Modern cryptography is the cornerstone of computer and communications security. Its foundation is based on concepts of mathematics such as number theory, computational-complexity theory, and probability theory. Cryptography deals with the securing of digital data. It refers to the design of mecha...
'Single quoted string' "Double quoted string" '''Multiline string''' """Triple double quoted string""" /Slashy string/ $/Dollar slash string/$ Groovy has two string types the java java.lang.String and groovy.lang.GString, as well as multiple form...
coroutine.create(function) returns a coroutine (type(coroutine) == 'thread') containing the function. coroutine.resume(co, ...) resume, or start the coroutine. Any additional arguments given to resume are returned from the coroutine.yield() that previously paused the coroutine. If the corou...
Elasticsearch comes with a set of defaults that provide a good out of the box experience for development. The implicit statement there is that it is not necessarily great for production, which must be tailored for your own needs and therefore cannot be predicted. The default settings make it easy...
It's easy to see types like a table in an SQL database, where the index is the SQL database. However, that is not a good way to approach types. All About Types In fact, types are literally just a metadata field added to each document by Elasticsearch: _type. The examples above created two type...
public Coroutine StartCoroutine(IEnumerator routine); public Coroutine StartCoroutine(string methodName, object value = null); public void StopCoroutine(string methodName); public void StopCoroutine(IEnumerator routine); public void StopAllCoroutines(); Performance considerations It...
__traits (TraitsKeyword, TraitsArguments...)
Complete list of assertions. Examples: assertTrue(bool $condition[, string $messageIfFalse = '']); assertEquals(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $messageIfNotEqual = '']); Unit tests are used for testing source code to see if it contains deals with inputs as we expect. Unit tests a...
Middleware are classes, that can be assigned to one or more route, and are used to make actions in the early or final phases of the request cycle. We can think of them as a series of layers an HTTP request has to pass through while it's executed A "Before" middleware will executes be...

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