Tutorial by Topics

Clipping clip-path: <clip-source> | [ <basic-shape> || <clip-geometry-box> ] | none Masking mask-image: [ none | <mask-reference> ]# mask-mode: [ <mask-mode> ]# mask-repeat: [ <repeat-style ]# mask-position: [ <position> ]# mask-clip: [ <geometry-bo...
io:format(FormatString, Args) % write to standard output io:format(standard_error, FormatString, Args) % write to standard error io:format(F, FormatString, Args) % write to open file io_lib:format(FormatString, Args) % return an iolist
See also I/O for Raster Images
import zipfile class zipfile.ZipFile(file, mode='r', compression=ZIP_STORED, allowZip64=True) If you try to open a file that is not a ZIP file, the exception zipfile.BadZipFile is raised. In Python 2.7, this was spelled zipfile.BadZipfile, and this old name is retained alongside the new o...
Declaration of identifier referring to object or function is often referred for short as simply a declaration of object or function.
ParseResult Cases A ParseResult comes in three flavors: Success, with a marker as to the start of the match and the next character to be matched. Failure, with a marker as to the start of where the match was attempted. In this case the parser backtracks to that position, where it will be when...
The tooltip is a user interface element that looks like a small pop-up box. It is usually triggered when a user hovers their pointer over an other element, without clicking it. For performance reasons, tooltips must be initialized with jQuery. The following code will enable all tooltips in the D...
Many Git commands take revision parameters as arguments. Depending on the command, they denote a specific commit or, for commands which walk the revision graph (such as git-log(1)), all commits which can be reached from that commit. They are usually denoted as <commit>, or <rev>, or &l...
set varName ?value? unset ?-nocomplain? ?--? ?varName varName varName? puts $varName puts [set varName] variable varName global varName ?varName varName? Parameters enclosed within ?...? such as ?varName? represent optional arguments to a Tcl command. Documentation: global, upvar ...
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