Tutorial by Topics

When WPF application launched, it could take a while for a current language runtime (CLR) to initialize .NET Framework. As a result, first application window can appear some time after application was launched, depending of application complexity. Splash screen in WPF allows application to show eit...
bind -P show all configured shortcuts.
ParameterDetailsvalueThe value produced by the binding source.valuesThe values array, produced by the binding source.targetTypeThe type of the binding target property.parameterThe converter parameter to use.cultureThe culture to use in the converter. What IValueConverter and IMultiValueConvertert...
echo $0 ps -p $$ echo $SHELL export SHELL=/bin/bash exec /bin/bash cat /etc/shells
Partitioning is a functionality to split tables and indexes into smaller pieces. It is used to improve performance and to manage the smaller pieces individually. The partition key is a column or a set of columns that defines in which partition each row is going to be stored. Partitioning Overview ...
ParametersColumnjasperPrintThe output of the fill process that can be exported to desired formatreportTemplateThe compiled design file .jasperparametersThe parameter Map, that if defined can be references inside report by $P{key}datasourceA net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSourceconnectionA databa...
Pygame is a Python wrapper for SDL – a cross-platform C library for controlling multimedia –, written by Pete Shinners. This means, using pygame, you can write video games or other multimedia applications in Python that will run unaltered on any of SDL’s supported platforms (Windows, Unix, Mac, be...
Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary field that develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data. Topics within bioinformatics include: Sequence analysis Phylogenetics Molecular modeling Analysis of gene and protein expression
Modules exist to be extended. You cannot change the app/code/ files without prohibiting any future updates. Instead we add a module to the app/code/local directory (the local directory may be missing, if so, it needs to be manually created. This is common in later versions of Magento) for added cu...
Figwheel automatically rebuilds your clojurescript code when source files change and reloads code in browser. Reload works without refreshing page and you can preserve some of app's state between reloads by using defonce. It is alternative to REPL-based development (although it includes REPL too)...

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