Tutorial by Topics

Ownership is one of the most important concepts in Rust, and it's something that isn't present in most other languages. The idea that a value can be owned by a particular variable is often quite difficult to understand, especially in languages where copying is implicit, but this section will...
ext An object that specifies output source and minified file extensions. source The suffix string of the filenames that output source files ends with. min When string: The suffix string of the filenames that output minified files ends with. When Array: The regex expressions to be replaced with ...
closure.curry(parameter) closure.rcurry(parameter) closure.ncurry(index, parameters ...) Currying a closure produces a new closure with one or more of it's parameters having a fixed value Left or right currying a closure that has no parameters or index based currying a closure th...
Non-Access Modifiers do not change the accessibility of variables and methods, but they do provide them special properties.
One very important thing about using shared services, is that they must be included in the providers array of the top-most component where they must be shared. Why is that? Well, Let's suppose that we include the MyService reference in the providers array from each Component. Something like: @Co...
for (variable identifier in iterating collection) { expression } while (condition) { expression } do { expression } while (condition); break; continue;
This section provides an overview of what specflow is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within specflow, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for specflow is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related to...
To develop and create universal app package. choose VS 2015 and installed Developer SDK. Version 1.0 Release Date: 21st Oct-2016
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'callback_function_name' ); function callback_function_name( $query ) {} // for PHP 5.3.0 or above add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function( $query ){} ); ParameterDetails$query(WP_Query) Loop object If you are using PHP 5.3.0 or above, you can use closures (an...
(Optional) Every topic has a focus. Tell the readers what they will find here and let future contributors know what belongs. ParameterDescriptionlookup_valueThe value you want to match. Can be either a fixed value, cell reference or named range. Strings may not exceed 255 characters (required)...
TRY/CATCH is a language construct specific to MS SQL Server's T-SQL. It allows error handling within T-SQL, similar to that seen in .NET code.

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