Tutorial by Topics

trait Type { selfId => /other members can refer to selfId in case this means something/ } trait Type { selfId: OtherType => /* other members can use selfId and it will be of type OtherType */ trait Type { selfId: OtherType1 with OtherType2 => /* selfId is of type OtherType1 and OtherTyp...
for OrdinalVariable := LowerOrdinalValue to UpperOrdinalValue do begin {loop-body} end; for OrdinalVariable := UpperOrdinalValue downto LowerOrdinalValue do begin {loop-body} end; for EnumerableVariable in Collection do begin {loop-body} end; Delphi's for-loop syntax does not provide an...
Sails comes installed with a powerful ORM/ODM called Waterline, a datastore-agnostic tool that dramatically simplifies interaction with one or more databases. It provides an abstraction layer on top of the underlying database, allowing you to easily query and manipulate your data without writing v...
sync.Pool stores a cache of allocated but unused items for future use, avoiding memory churn for frequently changed collections, and allowing efficient, thread-safe re-use of memory. It is useful to manage a group of temporary items shared between concurrent clients of a package, for example a list ...
AttributeDetailsauth(String) Specify whether the web Application code signs on to the corresponding resource manager programmatically, or whether the Container will sign on to the resource manager on behalf of the application. The value of this attribute must be Application or Container. This attri...
Iterators are a powerful language feature in Rust, described by the Iterator trait. Iterators allow you to perform many operations on collection-like types, e.g. Vec<T>, and they are easily composable.

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