Tutorial by Topics

These are two sample programs that work together. One is a simple server, the other a simple client. Start the server in one window: python tserver.py Edit the server address in the client source file if desired. Then run python tclient.py The client connects to the server, then asks for i...
This section provides an overview of what pthreads is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within pthreads, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for pthreads is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related to...
Signing a script will make your scripts comply with all exeuction policies in PowerShell and ensure the integrity of a script. Signed scripts will fail to run if they have been modified after being signed. Scripts signing requires a code signing certificate. Recommendations: Personal scripts/...
Headless mode in Unity If you are building a Server to deploy in Linux, the Build settings have a "Headless mode" option. An application build with this option doesn't display anything and doesn't read user input, which is usually what we want for a Server.
Sqoop incremental import comes into picture because of a phenomenon called CDC i.e. Change Data Capture. Now what is CDC? CDC is a design pattern that captures individual data changes instead of dealing with the entire data. Instead of dumping our entire database, using CDC, we could capture ju...
Node.js uses streams to handle incoming data. Quoting from the docs, A stream is an abstract interface for working with streaming data in Node.js. The stream module provides a base API that makes it easy to build objects that implement the stream interface. To handle in request body of a PO...
While an Erlang string is a list of integers, an "iolist" is a list whose elements are either integers, binaries or other iolists, e.g. ["foo", $b, $a, $r, <<"baz">>]. That iolist represents the string "foobarbaz". While you can convert an iolist ...
This topic documents RSpec's support for test doubles (stubs, mocks, etc.). That support is provided by the rspec-mocks gem.
The value null is the default value for an uninitialized value of a field whose type is a reference type. NullPointerException (or NPE) is the exception that is thrown when you attempt to perform an inappropriate operation on the null object reference. Such operations include: calling an inst...
Step definitions are in the programming language supported by a given implementation of Cucumber. This topic gives examples of step definitions in each supported programming language and examples of using Cucumber API calls in step definitions.
This section provides an overview of what filemaker is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within filemaker, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for filemaker is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related...
Why Yarn, when we have NPM? This is the burning question now. NPM works great for thousands of developers but it won’t work that great for companies like Facebook , Google. If you’ve deleted your node_modules folder for any reason and run npm install in the project console, npm will re download e...
mod_rewrite is a module for Apache. This module is used for internal rewrites (external requests that should load a different resource) and external redirects (external requests that should make the client request a different url). mod_rewrite provides a finer control over internal rewrites than ...

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