Tutorial by Topics

The Prototype pattern is a creational pattern that creates new objects by cloning existing prototype object. The prototype pattern speeds up the instantiation of classes when copying objects is faster. The prototype pattern is a creational design pattern. It is used when the type of objects to...
Different types of Siri requests Ride Booking (e.g. Get me a ride to New York via MyApp) Messaging (e.g. Send a text to John using MyApp) Photo Search (e.g. Look for beach photos taken last summer in MyApp) Payments (e.g. Send $20 to John for dinner last night using MyApp) ...
IF [condition 1] THEN [statements to execute when condition 1 is TRUE]; ELSIF [condition 2] THEN [statements to execute when condition 2 is TRUE]; ELSE [statements to execute when both condition 1 & condition 2 are FALSE]; END IF;
Useful Links Apple Documentation Stack Overflow Related Q&A WWDC15 Session Video
The SenderID that is present in the initialization example is a gcm sender id that is given to you by google. It should also be present when you install the plugin ionic plugin add phonegap-plugin-push --variable SENDER_ID="XXXXXXX" If you wish to add additional data to your push n...
mvn test mvn -Dtest=com.example.package.ExampleTest test
Explicit parameters: { parameterName: ParameterType, otherParameterName: OtherParameterType -> anExpression() } Inferred parameters: val addition: (Int, Int) -> Int = { a, b -> a + b } Single parameter it shorthand val square: (Int) -> Int = { it*it } Si...
Video playback is front and center in a large range of modern solutions, with the software and standards evolving rapidly. To understand what makes up a media presentation, you must first understand the multiple aspects involved in working with video: Raw color information captured from the phy...
{ $set: { <field1>:<value1>, <field2>:<value2>, ... } } parametersMeaningfieldNameField will be updated :{name: 'Tom'}targetVauleValue will be assigned to the field :{name: 'Tom'} Reference for $set operator: $set on offical website
Sample code More sample code can be found here.
In the modern web development it's common practice to use fonts to display icons. Since fonts are vectors, they are resolution independent and can be easily colored through CSS, just to name a few advantages compared to bitmap images etc. Ionicons was created by the same team that Ionic Framework ...

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