Tutorial by Topics

Components allow reusable controls/widgets represented by their own view (template) and viewmodel. They were added in Knockout 3.2. Inspired by WebComponents, Knockout allows Components to be defined as Custom Elements, allowing the use of more self-explanatory markup.
ParameterDetailslinkTextThe text that will be displayed for the link.routeNameThe name of the route to return a virtual path for.
Constructing a list of write operations to perform in bulk for a single collection.
Downloading Go Visit the Downloads List and find the right archive for your operating system. The names of these downloads can be a bit cryptic to new users. The names are in the format go[version].[operating system]-[architecture].[archive] For the version, you want to choose the newest avai...
To make it more difficult for others to hack your website you can remove the WordPress version number from your site, your css and js. Without that number it's not possible to see if you run not the current version to exploit bugs from the older versions. Additionally it can improve the loading sp...
Numbers in arithmetic expansions must match the following ERE: [-+]?(0[0-7]+|[1-9][0-9]*|0[Xx][0-9A-Fa-f]+) Arithmetic expressions support signed integer operators, comparisons, Boolean expressions, assignments, and ternary expressions from C. Resources Arithmetic expansion in POSIX Ope...
There are several reason to invalidate a JWT token before its expiration time: account deleted/blocked/suspended, password or permissions changed, user logged out by admin. JWT is self-contained, signed and stored outside of the server context, so revoking a token is not a simple action.

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