Tutorial by Topics

Custom requests (or Form Requests) are useful in situations when one wants to authorize & validate a request before hitting the controller method. One may think of two practical uses, creating & updating a record while each action has a different set of validation (or authorization) rules. ...
Example docker networks that blocks traffic. Use as the network when starting the container with --net or docker network connect.
Package Control is a full-featured package manager that helps discovering, installing, updating and removing packages for Sublime Text. Package Control is the Sublime Text package manager. It includes a list of over 2,500 packages available for install, and users can add any GitHub or BitBucket re...
This is supposed to explain the evaluation order as unambiguously as possible. It is probably less ideally suited as an introduction to Mathematica execution. It builds on Mathematica's tutorial/Evaluation page by explaining the order in which different rules are applied and explaining which funct...
radiobutton = tk.Radiobutton(parent, **kwargs) ParameterDescriptionparenttkinter widgets exist in a hierarchy. Except for the root window, all widgets have a parent. Some online tutorials call this "master". When the widget is added to the screen with pack, place or grid, it will ...
ParameterDetailValue (float)The property bound to this Dependency Property will be updated whenever the user will cease dragging the slider Make sure to reference the System.Windows.Interactivity assembly, so that the XAML Parser will recognize the xmlns:i declaration. Note that the xmln...
npm install [plugin-name] --save-dev npm install [plugin-name] --save Function <function-name> (glob) { $.src(glob).pipe([plugin 1]).pipe([plugin 2])....pipe([plugin n]).pipe( $.dest(<destination-name>) } $.task(<taskname> , [dependencies] , <body>); Continue Read...
Cool. So we are all done with our workflow automation. We now have a gulp file , that Responsifies and minifies images cleans,autoprefixes,concatenates and minifies Css Concatenates and minifies JS Watches for changes to assets be it HTML | CSS | JS and triggers associated tasks Creates a ...

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