Tutorial by Topics

gcc [-Woption [-Woption [...]]] src-file ParameterDetailsoptionIt can be used to enable or disable warnings. It can make warnings into errors.src-fileThe source file to be compiled. It is a good practice to enable most warnings while developing a software.
Spark 2.0 has been released and contains many enhancements and new features. If you are using Spark 1.6 and now you want to upgrade your application to use Spark 2.0, you have to take into account some changes in the API. Below are some of the changes to the code that need to be made.
This example uses Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA and Spring Data REST to expose a simple JPA-managed domain object via REST. The example responds with the HAL JSON format and exposes a url accessible on /person. The maven configuration includes a H2 in-memory database to support a quick standup. ...
Note that a UserControl is very different from a Control. One of the primary differences is that a UserControl makes use of a XAML layout file to determine where to place several individual Controls. A Control, on the other hand, is just pure code - there's no layout file at all. In some ways, cre...
Starting with v2.1.0, you can create plugins for chart.js! Plugin official documentation
Warning Prepared statement cannot care a wild parameter for the table names. For exemple this following statement is not correct : $query = "SELECT name, city FROM ? WHERE id = ? AND country = ?"; The correct prepared query would be : $query = "SELECT name, city FROM users WHE...
Version 1 of NUnit used the classic approach to identifying tests based on inheritance and naming conventions. From version 2.0 on, NUnit has used custom attributes for this purpose. Because NUnit test fixtures do not inherit from a framework class, the developer is free to use inheritance in oth...
Create your own api with Microsoft SQL database and implemente them in Xamarin forms application.
Calculating row heights might be expensive and scrolling performance can suffer if you have larger amounts of data. In that scenario, override UITableViewSource.EstimatedHeight(UITableView, NSIndexPath) to quickly provide a number sufficient for rapid scrolling, e.g.,: public override nfloat Esti...
Login Shell A login shell is one whose first character of argument zero is a -, or one started with the –login option. The Initialization is more comprehensive than in an normal interactive (sub) shell. Interactive Shell An interactive shell is one started without non-option arguments and with...
Introduction Hooks are pieces of code that Cordova CLI executes at certain points in your Cordova/Ionic application build. Hooks can be used for example to manipulate files in our project, automatically add plugins into your application or as in the example above check for code errors in your f...
Below is the example of how to hard code the google analytics implementation in the website. To track the shopping cart actions let induce the tracking snippet. It look as below. You can track the events in google analytics open source tool ga('send', 'event', [eventCategory], [eventAction], [even...

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