Tutorial by Topics

"Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing." – http://www.celeryproject.org/ Celery is great for asychronous and scheduled background tasks. It is commonly used for long-running tasks that are part of a Django or Flask application.
Specify the instance of express you want to use. This is commonly app. Define the HTTP method for which the function applies. In the example, this is get. Define the path to which the function applies. In the example, this is '/'. Define as a function with the function keyword. Add the require...
zy = interp1(x,y); zy = interp1(x,y,'method'); zy = interp1(x,y,'method','extrapolation'); zy = interp1(x,y,zx); zy = interp1(x,y,zx,'method'); zy = interp1(x,y,zx,'method','extrapolation');
#![feature(asm)] // Enable the asm! macro feature gate asm!(<template> : <output> : <input> : <clobbers> : <options>) // Emit the assembly template provided (e.g. "NOP", "ADD %eax, 4") with the given options.
iText 5 is a library that has grown organically. Many developers contributed code. For instance: one developer contributed code to create form fields from scratch, using classes such as TextField and PdfFormField; another developer contributed code to change existing form fields, using the AcroFie...
Unlike SOAP and the WS- stack, which are specified as W3C standards, REST is really a set of principles for designing and using web-based interface. REST / RESTful applications rely heavily on other standards: HTTP URI, URL XML, JSON, HTML, GIF, JPEG, and so forth (resource representations) ...
WebSocket is a protocol which allows for communication between the client and the server/endpoint using a single TCP connection. WebSocket is designed to be implemented in web browsers and web servers, but it can be used by any client or server application. This topic about the Java APIs for web...
Real numbers must begin with one or more digits followed by a period followed by one or more digits. ~ is the operator to denote negative numbers div is the operator for integer division. / is the operator for real division.
The Java Message Service is a Java API that allows applications to create, send, receive, and read messages. The JMS API defines a common set of interfaces and associated semantics that allow programs written in the Java programming language to communicate with other messaging implementations. JMS e...

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