Tutorial by Topics

This section provides an overview of what raphael is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within raphael, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for raphael is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topic...
@interface derived-class-Name: base-class-Name
ParameterDetailsSuiteScript 2.0-scriptContext{Object}scriptContext.newRecord{N/record.Record} A reference to the record being loaded from the databasescriptContext.type{UserEventType} The action type that triggered this User EventscriptContext.form{N/ui/serverWidget.Form} A reference to the UI form...
What does 'const member functions' of a class really means. The simple definition seems to be that, a const member function cannot change the object. But what does 'can not change' really means here. It simply means that you cannot do an assignment for class data members. However, you can do othe...
Entity Stores information about the type of the data being stored. In the case of Magento this is customer, product, category, etc. Attribute The individual properties of each of the entities, e.g. name, weight, email address etc. Value The value of a given entity and attribute. For example, ...
PhantomJS is a headless Selenium WebDriver with JavaScript support. It is based on WebKit, making it behave similarly to Google Chrome or Safari. It is slightly faster than a regular WebDriver like ChromeDriver or FirefoxDriver in both startup time and performance. PhantomJS has many options an...
RxAndroid used to be a library with lot of features. It has been splitted in many different libraries moving from version 0.25.0 to 1.x. A list of libraries that implement the features available before the 1.0 is maintained here.
In Spring MVC it is possible to validate form fields using Bean Validation API (JSR 303 for Bean Vaidation 1.0 and JSR 349 for Bean Validation 1.1) that is used to define validation constraints of the JavaBean object. Hibernate Validator is Bean Validation API reference implementation. Hibernate ...
One useful feature of batch files is being able to create files with them. This section shows how to create files using batch code. echo (type here whatever you want in the to be) >> (filename) echo (variable name) >> (filename) If a file exists, > will overwrite the file a...
echo %cd% - displays the current path of the directory cd "C:\path\to\some\directory" -changes the path of the directory cd "%variable_containing_directory_path%" - also changes the path of the directory cd /d E: - change to E: drive from a different drive ...
NLog is a free logging library for .NET. It is licensed under BSD-3, meaning it can be used in commercial applications. NLog's source can be found at GitHub Major versions: versionrelease notesrelease date4release notes2015-06-093release notes2014-06-022release notes2011-07-181release notes2...

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