Tutorial by Topics

The Cassandra Driver from Datastax very much mirrors the Java JDBC MySQL driver. Session, Statement, PreparedStatement are present in both drivers. The Singleton Connection is from this question and answer: http://stackoverflow.com/a/24691456/671896 Feature wise, Cassandra 2 and 3 are identical...
When you need to handle time information for a worldwide user base in MySQL, use the TIMESTAMP data type in your tables. For each user, store a user-preference timezone column. VARCHAR(64) is a good data type for that column. When a user registers to use your system, ask for the time zone value. ...
You need to be at MySQL version 5.6.4 or later to declare columns with fractional-second time datatypes. For example, DATETIME(3) will give you millisecond resolution in your timestamps, and TIMESTAMP(6) will give you microsecond resolution on a *nix-style timestamp. Read this: http://dev.mysql....
Options are pieces of data that WordPress uses to store various preferences and configuration settings. The Options API is a simple and standardized way of storing data in the database. The API makes it easy to create, access, update, and delete options. // Create new option within WordPress...
Ember g [blueprints.eg: route] [name] --pod Ember g route foo --pod Ember g component my-name --pod Generatepodsg--pod Just pass --pod to ember generate when generating new files. If you would like to use the pods structure as the default for your project, you can set usePods in your .e...
In November 2014, the C++ Standardization Committee adopted proposal N3922, which eliminates the special type deduction rule for auto and braced initializers using direct initialization syntax. This is not part of the C++ standard but has been implemented by some compilers.
A scope is "the range in which a variable can be referenced". ColdFusion knows — as well as most other programming and script languages — several scopes. The following text deals with these types and trys to bring clarity about them, their differences and their characteristics.
<?php $trimmed_text = wp_trim_words( $text, $num_words = 55, $more = null ); ?> ParameterDetails$text(String) (Required) Text that will be shortened or trimmed.$num_words(Integer) (Required) Number of words to which text will be restricted.$more(String) (Optional) What to append if $te...
Redis supports two main modes of persistence: RDB and AOF. The RDB mode of persistence takes a snapshot of your database at a point in time. In the RDB mode, Redis forks off a process to persist the database to disk. AOF logs every operation executed against the server into a replay log that can ...
GCC provide some documentation of gcov here Gcovr and Lcov can be used to help generate and summarize the coverage results
Labels can be used to describe a variable which helps improve the readability of your outputs. Labels can be permanently created in the DATA step or temporarily created in a PROC step.
The new chrome v8 engine is partially ES7 compliant. So if we add "use strict"; to top of our file (typescript do that when transpiles typescript) we have to make sure that any functions that are on the global scope are actually assigned to the global scope. so we should use self.funct...

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