Tutorial by Topics

JSF as a markup language, supports comments of some parts of code, but we have be carefully, because if we use a normal HTML comment code like this: <!-- I want to comment the next button --> <!-- <h:commandButton value="Push" onclick="alert('He...
Cleaning data in R is paramount to make any analysis. whatever data you have, be it from measurements taken in the field or scraped from the web it is most probable that you will have to reshape it, transform it or filter it to make it suitable for your analysis. In this documentation, we will cove...
With the pointer-events property, you can control wich part of your drawing will react to pointer events.
Expressions in Java are the primary construct for doing calculations. For a reference on the operators that can be used in expressions, see Operators.
Manipulating directories from the command line
In this topic Spark Users can find different configurations of Spark SQL, which is the most used component of Apache Spark framework.
If you commit sensitive data, such as a password or SSH key into a Git repository, you can remove it from the history. To entirely remove unwanted files from a repository's history you can use either the git filter-branch command or the BFG Repo-Cleaner. Tell your collaborators to rebase, ...
Garbage Collection (GC) is a way of automatically reclaiming memory that is occupied by objects that are no longer needed by a program. This is in contrast with manual memory management where the programmer explicitly specifies which objects should be deallocated and returned to memory. Good GC-s...
Every piece of non-trivial software needs flow-control structures to divert program flow according to conditions. Assembly being the lowest-level programming language provides only primitives for control structures. Typically, machine operations affect flags in the CPU, and conditional branches/ju...
In this topic I would like to mention all possible global variables which can be used in Apex code. Like [UserInfo Class][1]. I suggest we just list a global classes/variables and links. If you know about a global class/variable but can't find a documentation, please provide as much informati...
This example shows how to create a ViewModel and a View within the MVVM pattern and WPF, and how to bind the two together, so that each is updated whenever the other is changed.
sync is a function that Backbone uses to handle all sending or receiving of data to/from a remote server. The default implementation uses jQuery (or Zepto) to perform AJAX operations when data is synced. However, this method can be overriden to apply different syncing behavior, such as: - Using s...
Buttons can be one of the most frustrating parts of email development, but they can be built with code instead of images and still display well in all major email clients. When built in HTML/CSS, a button will display in all email clients even with images off. Both the content and style of each butt...
A column is NULL when it has no value, regardless of the data type of that column. A column should never be compared to NULL using this syntax a = NULL as the result would be UNKNOWN. Instead use a IS NULL or a IS NOT NULL conditions. NULL is not equal to NULL. To compare two expressions where null...
A soon as application have several pages/screens, a way of navigating among them is needed. With UWP applications, the navigation is handled by the [Frame][1] control. It displays [Page][2] instances, support the navigation to new pages and keep an history both for backward and forward navigation ...
C++/CLI is a Microsoft-specific dialect of C++ which interoperates well with .NET. Originally, it was envisioned as the "most powerful" of .NET languages and included designer support for WinForms applications. However, new development on C++/CLI has all but ceased, and Microsoft now ...
This section provides an overview of what mqtt is, and why a developer might want to use it. It should also mention any large subjects within mqtt, and link out to the related topics. Since the Documentation for mqtt is new, you may need to create initial versions of those related topics.
Input and Output in scheme is usually handled trough ports. A port is a data structure which is used to interact with the world outside Scheme. A Port isn't limited to files but can be used to read/write to sockets. In some ways, the port object is some kind of universal object that can not onl...

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